I became a follower on TikTok because I appreciated your commitment to providing the news without a spin. Your honesty is refreshing. Now, learning some of your back story, I am even more committed to hearing your perspective.
I had zero clue you were Lev Parnas’s son! Interesting! You certainly have a unique perspective, I could tell that before I read your post, now the pieces are falling into place for me. Keep up the good work!
I became a follower on TikTok because I appreciated your commitment to providing the news without a spin. Your honesty is refreshing. Now, learning some of your back story, I am even more committed to hearing your perspective.
Hey! I’m a gen x’r, who has raised sons your age! Love your content and your commitment to truth.
I had zero clue you were Lev Parnas’s son! Interesting! You certainly have a unique perspective, I could tell that before I read your post, now the pieces are falling into place for me. Keep up the good work!