Worcester spoken as wooster

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Don't sweat it Aaron. I'm from NH and literally everyone who isn't from around here pronounces it the way you did. We are actually in the wrong as far as pronunciation...probably one of those crazy Bostonian things....you know we have that thing with silent vs invisible "R's" too. 😂 Thank you for your amazing work!!

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Took me awhile to get that name correct in Worcester, MD. Forget the "r" and 3 syllables, only 2 are needed.

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That’s right. I forgot about Worcester, MD! Maryland’s roots are colonial also.

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Yes they are! Especially on the Eastern shore!

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Feb 13Edited
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Interesting links. Will check them out.

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Don't worry, we hate it too, we'll just always defend it

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That's the perfect way!

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You're right :)

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Aaron, you are amazing!

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The ‘Worces’ segment of Worcester is pronounced like ‘WOOF’ & ‘GOOD,’ though without the ‘F’ and ‘D.’

Why? It derives from the British pronunciation of cities/towns of the same name in the British Isles. Worcester, Massachusetts is one of New England’s larger cities; it sits about one hour west of Boston proper.

The city of Leicester (Massachusetts & England) is pronounced ‘LESS-ter.’

In MA and UK/GB, Gloucester is pronounced ‘GLAW-ster.’ There are plenty more of these unusual and seemingly quirky pronunciations and patterns!! 😅

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Yes!! I was born and raised in Mass so I'm an eastcoaster...spoken as eastcoasta. Yay to Wooster-good job!!! Aaron no problem; we are so grateful for you even if you didn't pronounce Woosta correctly!! Live and learn. :)

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Also Wister or better yet,Wista, with the Massachusetts accent. I NEVER understood it.

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Actually, it is spoken as Wist-er. I work a few miles away. Super proud of them for protecting trans and gender diverse people.

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Originally a Bostonian, I'm also SUPER proud!!!

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Yes, so proud of the City of Worcester for assertively taking an active stand.

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Yes I live in Worcester county, and have for my entire life. We say Wis-tah.

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I live on the

Knaut Shaw...for me, it's woostah or wusstah

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Yes, some—but not all—of my cousins pronounce it Wiss-ter. With the generation or two older (my older cousins, my father, aunts& uncles), the pronunciation included more of the ‘WOOD’ sound—I.e. similar to the French ‘oeu’ sound as in boeuf. I find the nuanced pronunciations & nuanced changes over time & from neighborhood to neighborhood and town to town fascinating. East Worcester.

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Came to say this lol

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Same haha

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Same haha 😂

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I was coming to look for this comment. Aaron it's the only control we seem to have lately. 🥲. Don't sweat it at all

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Worcester requires a full Massachusetts accent to do it justice 😂

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True 😄😁😂😂

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Feel free to end with an “uh” instead of “er” to really sound like a MA New Englander. Woostuh 😉

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I giggled each time he said it. You would only know that if you lived in the area.

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It’s pronounced more like “Wister”

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Depends on the neighborhood and area in Worcester, the generation, the school , etc

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Since European settlers in Massachusetts were from England, the pronunciation of the town names was similar. How would you pronounce Leominster? In NE we approximate: lemon-stuh! We avoid the "r" sound where possible. Example: I pahked my cah in Hahvahd yahd!

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One of my favorite jokes my 9-year old son says (with dramatic pauses in between): These are the 3 most difficult things in life to say: 1) I was wrong 2) I need help and 3) worches… worchester… worchester… I give up!

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Wait, so Worcestershire is pronounced Wooster-shire sauce?!

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That’s how I’ve always said it, ever since I lived in Townsend/Fitchburg/Ayers working at Sterilite. Wooster sauce even.

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Armored teslas. That's actually hilarious seeing how easy it is to break a tesla and cybertruck. I see this being not well made if it even comes to fruition.

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Just another way for his partner in crime to get ahold of our money.....

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Nail meet hammer!

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It’s interesting how armored cars are quite common to have in the social and political climate of South Africa… why would we need them here now?

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Is there not a more cost effective armored vehicle available? Why are we giving government employees government contracts? Isn’t that a conflict of interest?

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No eLoNs gOnNa SaVe us

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Such a waste of money

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Especially when it runs out of a charge! Ha, can’t wait to see them all lined up at a Walmart charging station! Stay away from floods or saltwater!!

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It's a hilariously bad idea. Cybertrucks break really easy with their current weight, which is kept as light as possible to help reduce battery usage (which is why so much of the Swastikars are plastic). Armor plating adds at least 1 ton of weight to a vehicle.

The Cybertruck would need to be completely redesigned to remove the serious design flaws that keep causing failures. And would probably need to be gas-based to meet military needs. And voila, the cybertruck would end up as a "shittier humvee".

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I shudder to think what will happen when he gets a government military contract for them. Our soldiers will be sitting ducks.

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I’m sure the GSA is happy. Now they’ll just be heavier to drag out of the carwash when they short out.

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Have you covered the Coke plant turning in 1000 employees to ICE?

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No but let me research! That's awful if true.

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They called a "meeting" for the employees which was actually just an ICE ambush. People are boycotting Coke products all across the country

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When was this??? How did I not read of this?? How horrific that Coke administrators did this to people they hired, people who work so hard for them day in and day out, and night after night.

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Damn I love Diet Coke but this is so wrong. They hired them so why turn them in? Oh I know, no DEI

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I haven't seen any proof to this. Rumors, yes. Proof? Not yet. I would think it would be in all over the MSM news.

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Whaaaa? I haven't seen this at all but if true, this needs to get out!!!

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Please let us know! I drink Sprite regularly, which is a Coke product but I will quit as a protest.

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Coke has a nefarious history in South America. Including deaths, stealing water, taking over towns. Maybe i should add I'm talking about Coca-Cola?

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Please do. I’ve heard this for at least the past 4 days, if not week.

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I haven’t seen this one at all!

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What!?! No way!! OMG I live off Coke Zero, but I refuse to support a company that would do something like that 😢

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Tesla $400M, Twitter pays Trump $100M - that is the only news I see today - this administration is beyond corrupt

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Will the Trump presidential library have any books after all the book bans anyway? Maybe a bunch of magazines?

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Maybe just picture books? trump Presidential Library- those words don’t go together naturally.

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It’ll be Dick and Jane only and then right wing propaganda DVDs for rent

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And those stupid red hats for sale.

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He can’t read a book

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New York City was receiving funds to house asylum seeking migrants not undocumented immigrants. Please update this as it may contribute to the misinformation that MAGA is spreading. Asylum seekers that are in New York are not undocumented immigrants because seeking asylum is a legal right. In fact, time spent applying for asylum is not considered unlawful. They may be noncitizen migrants but that does not make they undocumented immigrants.

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Great - we now have human cases of bird flu?? 😭 We NEED to be back in the WHO and the CDC needs to be free to release information to the US people.

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I recommend following YLE (Your Local Epidemiologist) on Substack. She does a great job keeping people up-to-date on all things disease and illness.

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Thanks for the recommendation. I’ll go check her out.

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Also please check the website of the American Medical Association! They are valiantly trying to cover the banished information.

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I’m in Ohio. They made it seem that it’s unlikely that it’s going to spread… but… I don’t see how it would not.

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All of his actions are strictly about making more and more money. Twitter is just finding ways to pay Trump under the table for allowing Elon to play president.

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Well, that is a rough start for today. And why do these companies keep paying the man in the White House because he won’t follow the rules. You can’t buy your way into heaven and you can’t buy truth.

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Here is my thoughts… what happened to Kamala?? I know she was like.. he won.. I’m out.. but where are all the people like her?

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Agree! Would like to see her more vocal

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Absolutely!!! We need to bring her back!

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This is why she can’t be a part of our future political resistance. We need new people.

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I don't know if the Democrats want to be linked to her and Biden for a while. We need to be separating from that democratic party at least for the time being.

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I don’t think we should considering she had a powerful voice and the election we know was rigged. I just wish someone would step up and really start fighting.

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As a MA resident, this is really exciting about Worcester! Just as an FYI, inexplicably, it is pronounced “Wooster” (the “oo” sounding like “foot” not “pool”) — but there is no way anyone could be expected to pronounce it without living around here 😆

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Unless they live in the UK.

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Phonetically you might describe its pronunciation as "wuss-dah". See: Adam Sandler as Toll Booth Willie.

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The exact pronunciation depends on what part of Mass you are from; nice diversity! I was a Bostonian.

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Thank you for all the hard work you do with getting us good news.

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Elon tweeted that America needs another civil war wtf

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Probably inviting that, so they can declare Martial Law

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Well, he is probably closer to this than he thinks! Be careful what you wish for!!

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Trump gets 10 mill from Elon, Elon gets 400 mill from Trump. Back and forth, back and forth. All of it is our money. Is this… money laundering?

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To stop the flood of atrocities it is time for communities to organize recall petitions for vulnerable representatives and senators. The senate and house majorities are slim. Even putting a few on defensive will make a difference. Ciscomani in AZ is ripe for recall. He won by less than 1k votes.

Trump/musk will disobey court orders. The DOJ is owned by Trump. The fbi is owned by Trump. The Supreme Court is owned by Trump. The last hope is to restore relevancy to congress. Our elected officials work for us, not the president. We must recall those in vulnerable positions. If we retake even just the House we return the balance of power. We can’t wait til midterms. The people still have power now! Exercise the power of majority rule by recalling those officials who do not represent their constituents.

It is important to only do this for those who are truly vulnerable. Those who won my the narrowest margins.

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Looks like the state department rescinded their plan to give Tesla the $400 million thankfully

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They just changed it to vehicles - I’m not sure it’s a true change.

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