Donald Trump abandoned Ukraine on the national stage, the White House considers ending military assistance to Ukraine, Russia and China work to recruit fired federal employees, and the EU blasts Trump
Zelensky said "b*tch" in Ukrainian once - which is the epitome of restraint, considering what he was dealing with at the moment. The fact that he did not punch Vance right out of the White House is beyond remarkable. Huge respect.
I speak Ukrainian, Russian, Polish, and English, as a smattering of French. I am one of the most prolific independent translators if Russian and Ukrainian literature in the US. I grew up in Zaporizhzhya ans my parents live there. Mt source of this report is the video of the assault on Zelensky by JD Vance the entire video of what took place at the Oval Office is available to everyone. After Zelensky asked JD Vance whether he had seen what rook place in Ukraine , and JD Vance said he had "seen stories",Zelensky shook his head and quietly said "сука" , which means "bitch" both in Russian and in Ukrainian. I thoroughly commiserated with his sentiment - what was happening was beyond appalling. Immediately after, Vance accused Zelensky of taking foreign dignitaries on "propaganda tours". At that point, I honestly don't know how Zelensky managed to control his temper - I can't imagine the effort it took. The paradoxical thing is that Trump and Vance accuse Zelensky of propaganda, yet they had not been to Ukraine and expressed no interest in going there.
Hello Maria K. -- I took the liberty of posting your YouTube channel link on the Home page here and also on Blue Sky. Your background and education and insight and talent and language/interpreter skills are a great asset to all of us.
Communication and interpretation informed by knowledge of the history and culture of Ukraine is something I believe all Americans need to take upon themselves to explore on a deeper level. The better we know our ally Ukraine the better we can use our power and our vote to support Ukraine.
This is for me personally something I seek versus depending on the media and self-proclaimed experts who so freely offer their perspectives for which their motives are questionable.
Perhaps you can post your channel here with an intro. Or, on our Home page. I did my best when I shared your channel on our Home page and Blue Sky from what I have read about from your profile.
God bless Zelensky. God save Ukraine. God help America.
Oh my God, and we know. The discipline Zelensky mustered in that room full of thugs, thieves, liars, criminals and true spreaders of propaganda was heroic as is the man.
Thank you for instructing me on the meaning of the Ukrainian/Russian word "сука" which means "bitch" both in Russian and in Ukrainian. And pointing out it was said by Zelensky in response to the untrue accusations of propaganda Vance was making about Zelensky.
The Trump cabal of idiots are always playing to MAGA and at the end Trump was heard saying, "That will make good television" So, maybe it was a set up and all planned. The Russian media was there to film Zelensky in hopes of humiliating him.
Was it a dog and pony show for MAGA? Or was it a shakedown to get Zelensky to sign and smile for the cameras while also scoring points with MAGA. I think the latter because there was no denying the downtrodden pose Trump assumed sitting in his chair when all his bullying got nowhere with Zelensky. I think he wanted Zelensky to sign and be humiliated for the Russian media and MAGA.
We are grieving and feel like we are dying. Today, America has more in common with Russian citizens than we do with Ukrainian citizens in that we are losing our country to a fascist dictator who has aligned himself with Putin to gain wealth.
While the Ukrainians have their democracy and culture and a great leader fighting a fascist dictator. It is all about wealth for Trump and he is parlaying his power to get it. He does not care about any of us. And, as to Vance he is a Bitch!!
I don't understand why NATO at this point does not post haste invite Ukraine in as a member. There is no nation more deserving and no nation of people so courageous in their fight for democracy and sovereignty.
I don’t understand your perceived anger at this person choosing 1 of the valid definitions of a word. They were most likely using a translator app. They were also complementing Zelensky.
PS: Maria K. was not using a translator app. She is an interpreter of Ukrainian and Russian literature but that is only a small part of her extraordinary profile. I asked a question as to the word for "bitch" in Ukrainian out of a desire to learn more. The response and dialogue since then have been one of the most enriching experiences I have had on Substack, for which I am grateful. That is what I seek to experience when I ask a question, and I have never been rebuffed when I do so. We are all on edge here, but I will never allow anyone inhibit me from asking a question. A question is not judgmental but criticizing someone when they speak up and ask a question is judgmental. Take care.
Yes. That’s fantastic! When I posted late last night, she had not yet responded with that information.
I meant no rebuff whatsoever. I just wanted to assure you that the post was complimentary to Zelensky.
I am a Russian linguist who has been studying Ukrainian for a few years now. I’ve had many conversations where non-native English speakers have asked me to explain the way we look at definitions and translations.
My aim was only to reassure you that there was no offense towards Zelensky.
Maria seems amazing and I, too, want to check out her YouTube but I have deleted all Google apps.
I’m sorry you took my diction as a rebuff. It was not. Simply a possible clarification.
I took no offense. And learned something as well that it is better to frame a question with language that couches and avoids misinterpretation. I am rather direct with no harm intended. It may be my Swedish background, I don't know. But, I'm learning, still learning. So impressed with your background. Extraordinary!
I am not angry. I wanted to learn more, and Maria K responded with same for which I am grateful. I am not at all angry. A question is not anger. I am sorry you interpreted my asking for more information as anger. Take care.
That is understandable, and I too have jumped and misinterpreted a post, but I know to pause when that happens for from my experience, informed by my sincere intent to harm no one, I have learned that my first instinct is one I should examine before acting.
However, since childhood I am usually the first one to ask questions because I crave knowledge. One on one it goes well, but in a group setting the one who asks questions is quickly judged and criticized.
Unfortunately, I found that to be the case on numerous occasions here. So, in the future I will confine questions and requests for clarification and more information such as sources by message.
I asked a question to learn more about the language and Maria K. responded with generosity and good will. I will not be inhibited from asking questions. It is my nature to question and that is how I learn. I can do more when I learn more. I am sorry you are offended to the point of labeling my question to which the author responded in good will as being nonsense. But I feel compelled to respond to you and stand up for my right to ask a question for I will not be inhibited from asking questions. However, I do refrain from being judgmental of anyone what they say and what they do for that can do much harm and cripple communication. Take care.
Absolutely! This was an ambush on Zelenskyy. How he stayed so restrained is beyond me. I can’t think of any previous president that would behave in this manner. They were screaming and reprimanding him like he was a 5 year old. I’m so embarrassed to be an American and never in my life thought I would say this
I said the same… A SS reprimanding Zelensky as if he were an ungrateful child!?! This was so DISGUSTING ON EVERY LEVEL!!! Tonight, Ukraine is further being attacked thanks to the US of IGNORANCE…
It was definitely a set up buy trump and jd. I am so ashamed of their behavior. They do not represent our country. We are going to have to defend our freedom it seems.
I did have a feeling while listening that Putin probably arranged for Vance and Trump to do this to Zelensky “cause a scene”.. just a hunch that we’ll never know
It literally looked like they had set everything up like a huge Jerry springer show. What a disgrace. Zelenskyy was the only honorable man there. Putin and his toddlers are pitiful.
psychopaths & sociopaths lack a discernable conscience, they know right from wrong but, they just don't care meaning there is no high road here to take when it comes to what you can expect from them & I'm afraid we will always have to deal with that seeing as the country for the most part is stuck on stupid & unable to see the forest for the trees
I am not stuck on stupid and can see the forest for the trees as can many of us. Of which a sizeable sum did not vote or voted for Trump as a protest over the war in the middle east. Of which many were college students. And their brilliant professors. How did that work out for Gaza? And there were the religious looking for a sign from God and heard God say Kamala is a baby killer. Everyone had an opinion and gabbed and gabbed and called each other names. Indignation and pride brought us to this place as did sharp division. The divide did not exist pre-Trump when you could put a sign in favor of anyone other than Trump on your bumper and not fear for your life driving to and from work. Common sense and a bit of self-examination and discipline was lacking leaving us blind. I can see the forest for the trees, however, as can many of us. I don't seek news as entertainment, and it does not take me long to size up a situation or a person. At one point we were not even able to speak to anyone about the pandemic or politics. The media divided us for their own personal profit. At this point I am not living in a country where I want to stay and search back as to how I let this happen to me? What stupid decision got me here? Then I count the one blessing I do have which is my child has no intention of parenting a child. I am so happy a grandchild of mine will not live in the dystopian future that lies before us or be a climate crisis migrant seeking safe ground. God bless America!
Trump never invited President Zelenskyy here to make a deal. He wanted to make a public spectacle out of him. I’m disgusted to be an American. And to let Russian media INTO THE OVAL OFFICE?? It’s only a matter of time before these clowns just go ahead & give Putin his own fucking room there. Genuinely asking…what can we the people do about this? I fear protesting & calling reps isn’t going to cut it on this one.
Exactly, he was waiting for this to humiliate Zelensky to demoralize the Ukraine, and I think this will be Trump/Vance downfall, and I have never seen a US President set up so he could stage a WWE appearing feud with a country that needs our help, but he has never ever intended to give it. He knows if Russia wins he'll get the rare earth minerals
I think any chance Trump had for the minerals is gone. At best, Putin might have allowed him half. Now, Europe might get that piece or Putin keeps all.
Is it possible to send him a letter (Zelensky)? I would like to apologize for the treatment he got from our "president" and to let him know I support him and Ukraine. I am ashamed.
Note - Zelensky was patient, controlled and NOT screaming. The infantile screamers were Rump and VD.
Zelensky said "b*tch" in Ukrainian once - which is the epitome of restraint, considering what he was dealing with at the moment. The fact that he did not punch Vance right out of the White House is beyond remarkable. Huge respect.
Do you speak the Ukrainian language? If not, what is your source of that report? Tx.
I speak Ukrainian, Russian, Polish, and English, as a smattering of French. I am one of the most prolific independent translators if Russian and Ukrainian literature in the US. I grew up in Zaporizhzhya ans my parents live there. Mt source of this report is the video of the assault on Zelensky by JD Vance the entire video of what took place at the Oval Office is available to everyone. After Zelensky asked JD Vance whether he had seen what rook place in Ukraine , and JD Vance said he had "seen stories",Zelensky shook his head and quietly said "сука" , which means "bitch" both in Russian and in Ukrainian. I thoroughly commiserated with his sentiment - what was happening was beyond appalling. Immediately after, Vance accused Zelensky of taking foreign dignitaries on "propaganda tours". At that point, I honestly don't know how Zelensky managed to control his temper - I can't imagine the effort it took. The paradoxical thing is that Trump and Vance accuse Zelensky of propaganda, yet they had not been to Ukraine and expressed no interest in going there.
Maria K., My sincere respect to you for knowing so many languages!!!
And, my thanks for being so informative to not only myself, but to others on here, too. You are very much appreciated.
Tonia, I do have a YouTube channel where I post daily news summaries specifically about Ukraine. Here is the link if you are interested:
Hello Maria K. -- I took the liberty of posting your YouTube channel link on the Home page here and also on Blue Sky. Your background and education and insight and talent and language/interpreter skills are a great asset to all of us.
Communication and interpretation informed by knowledge of the history and culture of Ukraine is something I believe all Americans need to take upon themselves to explore on a deeper level. The better we know our ally Ukraine the better we can use our power and our vote to support Ukraine.
This is for me personally something I seek versus depending on the media and self-proclaimed experts who so freely offer their perspectives for which their motives are questionable.
Perhaps you can post your channel here with an intro. Or, on our Home page. I did my best when I shared your channel on our Home page and Blue Sky from what I have read about from your profile.
God bless Zelensky. God save Ukraine. God help America.
Daily news summaries specifically about Ukraine:
Oh my God, and we know. The discipline Zelensky mustered in that room full of thugs, thieves, liars, criminals and true spreaders of propaganda was heroic as is the man.
Thank you for instructing me on the meaning of the Ukrainian/Russian word "сука" which means "bitch" both in Russian and in Ukrainian. And pointing out it was said by Zelensky in response to the untrue accusations of propaganda Vance was making about Zelensky.
The Trump cabal of idiots are always playing to MAGA and at the end Trump was heard saying, "That will make good television" So, maybe it was a set up and all planned. The Russian media was there to film Zelensky in hopes of humiliating him.
Was it a dog and pony show for MAGA? Or was it a shakedown to get Zelensky to sign and smile for the cameras while also scoring points with MAGA. I think the latter because there was no denying the downtrodden pose Trump assumed sitting in his chair when all his bullying got nowhere with Zelensky. I think he wanted Zelensky to sign and be humiliated for the Russian media and MAGA.
We are grieving and feel like we are dying. Today, America has more in common with Russian citizens than we do with Ukrainian citizens in that we are losing our country to a fascist dictator who has aligned himself with Putin to gain wealth.
While the Ukrainians have their democracy and culture and a great leader fighting a fascist dictator. It is all about wealth for Trump and he is parlaying his power to get it. He does not care about any of us. And, as to Vance he is a Bitch!!
I don't understand why NATO at this point does not post haste invite Ukraine in as a member. There is no nation more deserving and no nation of people so courageous in their fight for democracy and sovereignty.
Thanks for the Excellent Update of the unbearable SS that literally made me sick… I will always support 🇺🇦!
I don’t understand your perceived anger at this person choosing 1 of the valid definitions of a word. They were most likely using a translator app. They were also complementing Zelensky.
PS: Maria K. was not using a translator app. She is an interpreter of Ukrainian and Russian literature but that is only a small part of her extraordinary profile. I asked a question as to the word for "bitch" in Ukrainian out of a desire to learn more. The response and dialogue since then have been one of the most enriching experiences I have had on Substack, for which I am grateful. That is what I seek to experience when I ask a question, and I have never been rebuffed when I do so. We are all on edge here, but I will never allow anyone inhibit me from asking a question. A question is not judgmental but criticizing someone when they speak up and ask a question is judgmental. Take care.
Yes. That’s fantastic! When I posted late last night, she had not yet responded with that information.
I meant no rebuff whatsoever. I just wanted to assure you that the post was complimentary to Zelensky.
I am a Russian linguist who has been studying Ukrainian for a few years now. I’ve had many conversations where non-native English speakers have asked me to explain the way we look at definitions and translations.
My aim was only to reassure you that there was no offense towards Zelensky.
Maria seems amazing and I, too, want to check out her YouTube but I have deleted all Google apps.
I’m sorry you took my diction as a rebuff. It was not. Simply a possible clarification.
I took no offense. And learned something as well that it is better to frame a question with language that couches and avoids misinterpretation. I am rather direct with no harm intended. It may be my Swedish background, I don't know. But, I'm learning, still learning. So impressed with your background. Extraordinary!
I am not angry. I wanted to learn more, and Maria K responded with same for which I am grateful. I am not at all angry. A question is not anger. I am sorry you interpreted my asking for more information as anger. Take care.
I am glad. As you posted about the “wrong” definition being used according to you, twice, it seemed like you were upset. I didn’t want you to be so.
I also speak Russian and have studying Ukrainian for a few years. Zelensky is a strong and brave leader. His restraint was remarkable.
That is understandable, and I too have jumped and misinterpreted a post, but I know to pause when that happens for from my experience, informed by my sincere intent to harm no one, I have learned that my first instinct is one I should examine before acting.
However, since childhood I am usually the first one to ask questions because I crave knowledge. One on one it goes well, but in a group setting the one who asks questions is quickly judged and criticized.
Unfortunately, I found that to be the case on numerous occasions here. So, in the future I will confine questions and requests for clarification and more information such as sources by message.
I am not upset just seeking knowledge. Take care.
Nonsense semantics. Not the point
I asked a question to learn more about the language and Maria K. responded with generosity and good will. I will not be inhibited from asking questions. It is my nature to question and that is how I learn. I can do more when I learn more. I am sorry you are offended to the point of labeling my question to which the author responded in good will as being nonsense. But I feel compelled to respond to you and stand up for my right to ask a question for I will not be inhibited from asking questions. However, I do refrain from being judgmental of anyone what they say and what they do for that can do much harm and cripple communication. Take care.
Reminded me of trying to separate two toddlers
So ashamed to be an American. 💔Zelenskyy. These "men" are despicable.
is it a full moon? they behaved even more shamefully today than usual
no but a comet is coming thank goodness --
The comet isn’t going to hit us anymore😭😭 the space people said they’re no longer concerned
Who DOESN’T think this was 100% pre-orchestrated ?!? Reality show performance for Father Putin
Absolutely! This was an ambush on Zelenskyy. How he stayed so restrained is beyond me. I can’t think of any previous president that would behave in this manner. They were screaming and reprimanding him like he was a 5 year old. I’m so embarrassed to be an American and never in my life thought I would say this
I said the same… A SS reprimanding Zelensky as if he were an ungrateful child!?! This was so DISGUSTING ON EVERY LEVEL!!! Tonight, Ukraine is further being attacked thanks to the US of IGNORANCE…
It was definitely a set up buy trump and jd. I am so ashamed of their behavior. They do not represent our country. We are going to have to defend our freedom it seems.
I did have a feeling while listening that Putin probably arranged for Vance and Trump to do this to Zelensky “cause a scene”.. just a hunch that we’ll never know
This was absolutely premeditated.
I hate him so much.
I absolutely think it was a set up. This was planned. Trump and Vance bullied him. It was disgusting 🤢
He said, “it makes good tv”👀
It literally looked like they had set everything up like a huge Jerry springer show. What a disgrace. Zelenskyy was the only honorable man there. Putin and his toddlers are pitiful.
It was absolutely disgraceful how they treated Zelenskyy! America should be ashamed!!!!
psychopaths & sociopaths lack a discernable conscience, they know right from wrong but, they just don't care meaning there is no high road here to take when it comes to what you can expect from them & I'm afraid we will always have to deal with that seeing as the country for the most part is stuck on stupid & unable to see the forest for the trees
I am not stuck on stupid and can see the forest for the trees as can many of us. Of which a sizeable sum did not vote or voted for Trump as a protest over the war in the middle east. Of which many were college students. And their brilliant professors. How did that work out for Gaza? And there were the religious looking for a sign from God and heard God say Kamala is a baby killer. Everyone had an opinion and gabbed and gabbed and called each other names. Indignation and pride brought us to this place as did sharp division. The divide did not exist pre-Trump when you could put a sign in favor of anyone other than Trump on your bumper and not fear for your life driving to and from work. Common sense and a bit of self-examination and discipline was lacking leaving us blind. I can see the forest for the trees, however, as can many of us. I don't seek news as entertainment, and it does not take me long to size up a situation or a person. At one point we were not even able to speak to anyone about the pandemic or politics. The media divided us for their own personal profit. At this point I am not living in a country where I want to stay and search back as to how I let this happen to me? What stupid decision got me here? Then I count the one blessing I do have which is my child has no intention of parenting a child. I am so happy a grandchild of mine will not live in the dystopian future that lies before us or be a climate crisis migrant seeking safe ground. God bless America!
I am so incredibly sick of these clowns. It’s honestly embarrassing being an American, I hate it here so much.
Me Too I Use To Be Proud Not Anymore
Trump never invited President Zelenskyy here to make a deal. He wanted to make a public spectacle out of him. I’m disgusted to be an American. And to let Russian media INTO THE OVAL OFFICE?? It’s only a matter of time before these clowns just go ahead & give Putin his own fucking room there. Genuinely asking…what can we the people do about this? I fear protesting & calling reps isn’t going to cut it on this one.
Exactly, he was waiting for this to humiliate Zelensky to demoralize the Ukraine, and I think this will be Trump/Vance downfall, and I have never seen a US President set up so he could stage a WWE appearing feud with a country that needs our help, but he has never ever intended to give it. He knows if Russia wins he'll get the rare earth minerals
I think any chance Trump had for the minerals is gone. At best, Putin might have allowed him half. Now, Europe might get that piece or Putin keeps all.
Trump is a disgusting pig
Not as smart as a pig though.
Not only abandoned but US has retreated from the world - shameful display by Trump/Vance - looked like it was scripted
I’m sure it was
Welp is right. It’s literally all you can say. Thanks for the updates again, as awful as they are.
Of course Russia is praising Trump and we all know why!!!
Exactly Trump Elon Vance All Of Them Working For Him Fucking Traitors To America
We are the bad guys now. Such a disgrace 💙
trump should be arrested for treason. He is working for Russia
And Vance and all those spineless Republicans!
I’m so fucking tired of this shit. I hope Europe picks up the slack.
Disgusting and heartbreaking at the same time. Incredibly embarrassing for the U.S.
Is it possible to send him a letter (Zelensky)? I would like to apologize for the treatment he got from our "president" and to let him know I support him and Ukraine. I am ashamed.
I agree I would also like to donate as well!
See Tim Snyder's substack. He lists places to donate for Ukraine.
Nova Ukraine is a great way to donate humanitarian aid to Ukraine.
Thank you!
Great idea. Would love to do the same
Timothy Snyder Substack:
I’m so sorry Aaron. I’m so sorry Ukraine. We have failed so so many. My heart is continuously breaking.