Deleted my Facebook/Instagram and TT yesterday. Made me sad about TT but I will not be a part of it if it is part of Meta. Sick of America just buying everything when we ‘can’t’ find the money to fix the real problems we have. Congress is a joke. We can’t get a 270 day extension but T can give a 90 day one? I’m out.
He’ll probably only give an extension if Shou agrees to sell to Zuckerberg or musk. I hope that doesn’t happen. I’d rather it die than become their new hate-generator machine.
I was getting multiple instagram ads on there yesterday and while i don’t think meta has bought it out (yet) something fishy is going on for sure. I never have gotten any meta related content on there and the timing of it all is weird. I don’t think I’ll go back if Shou is buddy buddy with them now
The ban and the blatant propaganda is a direct assault on our freedom of speech and assembly, silencing and controlling us outright. Taking a stand for our fundamental freedoms and refusing to play their game is the only sane response when it became another tool for manipulation.
Donarhea will change the laws so independent platforms won’t be able to operate freely! Control the media, control the people and he will control free speech
It is not effective to advocate for your rights through a platform that has been used to suppress them. Your constitutional freedoms have been violated.
I appreciate your commitment and fighting spirit. However, the deadline on that fight has passed. If you want to make an impact, the real fight is in demanding accountability for these actions and rebuilding a community owned space that will remain in the hands of the people, for the people.
I deleted Meta yesterday because I don't want to keep making money for Zuck. After TT went dark, I joined a Discord live hosted by a woman who recently realized (with the help of social media) that she was not conservative, as she had always believed. She said that if she hadn't been exposed to ideas from people on the left, she still may have believed she was conservative in November and voted for 🟠🤡. She thinks it is important that we continue fighting on all platforms so they don't become right-wing echo chambers. I think the argument is compelling, but I really hate Zuckerberg, and I've always hated Insta, even before Meta bought it.
Stay strong. I am choosing to walk away from TT to express my voice against meta. I completely agree that your rights, our rights, matter! Stay strong and please do what you can to make a difference. I appreciate you!
My thoughts exactly I won’t go back. It’ll be under Trump. He’s already dictator. He’s become the dictator of the United States. There’s no more United States.
Yes so weird. Once I had a narcissist boyfriend. He crashed my car. Then when he got it fixed he wanted cookies like it was such a fantastic feat he fixed his wrong. Sound familiar.
Yes I agree wholeheartedly. However Aaron STILL is suppoting meta. He is STILL using IG. He exoressed concerns about Rednote but keeps posting on META. Pretty mad about this.
I think we can't penalize our creators for being on all the platforms, it is their livelihood. Plus, Aaron's content will be important to keep those spaces from being echo chambers of propoganda.
We as the consumers though have power in where we consume. I'm off meta and disentangling from google.
This is a really good point, Jess. Thank you. I've been pretty mad about Aaron not using his platform to encourage a Meta boycott, as many of us have commited to do. However I do hear (& appreciate) your point and will work on giving him grace on this one. 👍🏻 Ngl, going to be hard!😅
Plus, there are ways of limiting how much Zuck can use your info by deleting your Meta search history, adjusting ad preferences, etc. Let's give adorable, articulate, hard-working Aaron a break. We're all navigating this IRT and the kid does so much that's solid to help keep us all informed.
Another reporter put it this way (it helped me be more understanding), some regular people will not stream these other services. It is up to the reporters to get the news out there to all media. So it's not biased. If we leave it up to meta then it's biased news like fox. They are doing their job. We support them on our platforms but encourage them to keep pushing out true factual news everywhere.
Katie this is a great point and I hear you. Ngl, been pretty mad about Aaron staying on IG and giving 💰 to Meta, but do understand that sometimes it's best to be where the enemy dwells. Thank you for your POV.
It’s hard to give up FB as it’s been the only platform where I’ve kept up with old friends and relatives around the world. I’ve easily deleted threads, deleted TikTok app as it’s going to be a meta spinoff, and deleted Twitter right after musk bought it. Instagram is next but FB is going to be a tough one.
Agreed. I live in the States now but have lived in England, France, Switzerland, Wales, etc. My friends and family are all over the world and connecting with them is the reason that I finally joined FB in 2010 or so. My account is suspended (and I don't use IG anymore or TT at all) until I can figure out how to stay in contact with them all. Honestly, I'm thinking of getting a landline and writing letters again!
He's also on non-meta platforms, unlike some other creators.. he needs to keep them informed, EVEN over there, just glad I don't have to use a meta platform to still see him!
Yes, you describe everything perfectly; exactly the same experience here! I cannot BELIEVE they took away our free speech & keep testing the app as well, as if it's some sort of dream.
Agree. But if/when TT reemerges, I plan to proceed w/ caution. I am reading in various places that the take-down last night, combined w/ that creepy message "We are lucky that Pres Trump..." (wtf is that msg?!), combined w/ Trump planning to throw on his cape and OVERRIDE 'HIS" SCOTUS' DECISON on Monday--it all seems pretty sus, like Zuckerberg is grabbing all the data and TT will reopen as a hidden Meta Platform. Which makes me nauseous and afraid.
I just did. The first post I saw this morning was from random acquaintance who was talking crap about TikTok and anyone who’s used it. So I deactivated my account and deleted the app.
I don’t talk much about TT in my “real life”, but I get the impression Meta and other propaganda has painted TT users as insipid, chronically online morons.
This is so true. I deleted Instagram and reduced all my fb. Unfortunately, I am a small business owner and the majority of my customers use my fb business page to get links to my products or event info. I have tried so hard to push other platforms. They are so set in their ways. So I am only using it for information on my business page. I am trying to do my part but I have to feed my family. It makes me sad and like a sellout. I don't want to be there. Not using my personal fb for the last few weeks has reduced my anxiety though and I don't miss the negativity.
Good for you Katie! I understand you need to keep it for business. Hopefully you can gradually "wean" clients in another direction--discounts only found/redeemable elsewhere, as an example? Just an idea, I am not pretending to know what your business is/does! It's like saying, "Hey world, boycott LinkedIn!" That just couldn't be done overnight. But this Oligarchy Monopoly is TERRIFYING for sure.
That is really hard. People complain and then won’t stick to or try something new that can make a difference. It’s really sad how they won’t stand on something.
Very true. There were some groups whose content I enjoyed, but I rarely engaged in content discourse b/c the comment sections were full of keyboard warriors or bots. FB is trash these days.
I don’t mind him staying behind enemy lines as long as he remains totally honest about the algorithm & censorship issues that arise. It’s the non-journalists that must reject Meta entirely
He is behind enemy lines keeping an eye as long as he reports accurately what is happening there. He can also be a voice of reason to people as they wake up out of their coma from being hypnotized by Trump and the far right. This is what I hope happens. People need to stop drinking the kool aid.
I deactivated all my META apps. I am afraid the rich gang will end up buying TikTok. If so I am out. But if it stays the same I will stay with it. I love TikTok.
He addressed this in another post, saying that as a journalist he has to talk to people where they are. Kinda the same as Mayor Pete going on Fox. I do get that, as it is the only place my brother has ever seen him.
I read that it actually hurts them more to keep your account, but don’t log in or actually use it. I don’t know, though. I’ve heard a lot of different things.
I deleted and erased FB. I logged off Instagram and deleted at (having a harder time giving this up because of memories documented and connection to family and friends in other countries). I removed all access for META on all my apps/websites.
Canadian here- American accounts are still coming up on my fyp, I can still go to profiles, everything is still there. It's weird that we can see it, and you guys can't!
Gah i didn't see this until now! It was totally dark, no politicians or anything. One major thing of note was there were like no trolls or bots either. The lack of bot was immediately noticed by a lot of us
I was wondering about that last night when we got the ban notice. If our comments would disappear. I was so sad last night thinking of all the things I have learned, the connections, the laughs. It's going to be an anxious and emotional week I fear. My partner is Canadian here on an Alien card, worried about in the spring when he has to go home to renew. So much uncertainty.
Yes, after Suckerberg spent $8M+ lobbying for the TT ban, Trump whipped out his pen to sign. 💰💰 BOYCOTT META. Aaron is NOT BOYCOTTING, he is still posting on IG. Love Aaron, thankful for his posts, but pretty mad about this.
He addressed this in another post, saying that as a journalist he has to talk to people where they are. Kinda the same as Mayor Pete going on Fox. I do get that, as it is the only place my brother has ever seen him.
Yes, Angela, I am aware and understand why Pete B goes on Fox intemittently. But FOX has a huge following & his appearances aren't lining their pockets in any way; he's simply using the opp to speak to MAGA, which is great! Aaron using a META platform several Xs/day is getting a LOT OF CLICKS and lining Meta's pockets. A LOT. Yes, he's also viewed by both sides there, he'll get nasty MAGA comments, but he can do his good work w/o Meta. However, today, two people on these comments have been convincing enough as to why the pros of Aaron being on IG may outweigh the cons, so I am reconsideting my stance. However you example of Pete B being on Fox occasionally truly is apples & oranges, lol.
The fact that this morning I have to go to 4 different apps to see my favorite creators and have no real way to find new creators has my blood boiling at the US Government. At 54 yrs old I never thought I'd see days where we are literally going backwards in time. But it is and has been happening. This is heartbreaking to see. I am angry.
AGREE!! BUT...Aaron Parnas STILL is supporting meta. He is STILL using IG. He expressed concerns about Rednote but keeps posting on META. Pretty mad about this.
He addressed this in another post, saying that as a journalist he has to talk to people where they are. Kinda the same as Mayor Pete going on Fox. I do get that, as it is the only place my brother has ever seen him.
Thank you Aaron! I also believe it’s a stunt. Yes we may get a 90 day extension. But that extension will come with a price if they will allow TT to continue after the 90 days.
It helps get the message to the people in a language that they understand in time of panic. La Migra = ICE & most undocumented families know to run from “La migra” but not necessarily any other version of that phrase. If that makes sense. And again, I learned that on TikTok…not Meta 😉
it’s basically spanish slag for border patrol, it alerts the spanish speaking people in the area that ICE is there without having to scream out “hey guys ICE is here”
TikTok is merging with Meta. I just feel like all the signs are there. If that’s the case I’ll not use it. Also I’m in Chicago and this is a horrifying time. I don’t recognize this America 😥
You as well. We unite and stick together. I take care of my 84 yr old mom and reassure her that we will be ok. I have a 24 yr old daughter asking me why these things are happening. It’s a dark time here in America. Be safe, stay informed and stay united 🫶🏼💙
When I went to retrieve my data, there was a message about the data being available for 4 days, and it was eerily similar to the meta data request message.
Wow. Yes all of the meeting with Zuck and the TikTok guy….the messenger thing popping up on fb asking if you wanted to merge data with TikTok all the signs are there. Maybe that’s why it’s down. To do the conversion 😬
A lot of people were talking about the similarities between the apps last week. Thought bubbles like IG, messenger automatically opening, auto sharing on fb. 🤔
Odd huh. I think it’s down for conversion. My opinion, it’s not like they are going to be honest with us. But we can read between the lines. They think we are dumb. Well they are actually dealing with a Smart bunch 🤭
You are correct, tik toc will become a Trump propaganda machine so I will not participate. Since you are in Chicago, the first city he called out to raid, you may want to consider streaming what's happening if you are able to do so. I fear people will not see it and therefore not believe it. Stay safe above all my friend!
I am very scared for my friends and family who have 30+yrs of being hardworking taxpaying residents of Chicago. My anxiety is getting triggered and is through the roof
The message yesterday was so creepy. TikTok is done. I won’t go back!
Deleted my Facebook/Instagram and TT yesterday. Made me sad about TT but I will not be a part of it if it is part of Meta. Sick of America just buying everything when we ‘can’t’ find the money to fix the real problems we have. Congress is a joke. We can’t get a 270 day extension but T can give a 90 day one? I’m out.
He’ll probably only give an extension if Shou agrees to sell to Zuckerberg or musk. I hope that doesn’t happen. I’d rather it die than become their new hate-generator machine.
That’s what’s happening. At 4pm cst Facebook had a TT acct. and FB added to link TT. It’s done
I deleted all of mine as well. I can't agree with you more.
I did too. I am DONE supporting those pieces of shit. Amazon and Amazon Prime is next. I’m gonna miss my fire stick.
Yep! I deleted my app as soon as I was locked out. I’m done!
I was literally about to comment this. I loved tik tok but I’m not gonna be pulled into a trump propoganda machine. Nope. I’m out.
Exactly. No way in hell.
I'm out, too.
Please pass the word I’m not too so on computers or how to open this or open that password TikTok will be run under Donald Trump
I really hope people noticed this and won’t support it
Thank you Aaron
Same! It will never be the same, and I don't want it this way. Hello non-meta apps!
I deleted my app as well!
Agree, I would not use the app once Trump and his team touch it. I suspect meta will get their grubby hands on it.
💯 It’s futile to fight for your rights on a platform that’s been weaponized to suppress them.
It’s not if we all stop using them, their ads business will go down ohhhh so down :,)
I was getting multiple instagram ads on there yesterday and while i don’t think meta has bought it out (yet) something fishy is going on for sure. I never have gotten any meta related content on there and the timing of it all is weird. I don’t think I’ll go back if Shou is buddy buddy with them now
You shouldn’t let him defeated you so quickly
The ban and the blatant propaganda is a direct assault on our freedom of speech and assembly, silencing and controlling us outright. Taking a stand for our fundamental freedoms and refusing to play their game is the only sane response when it became another tool for manipulation.
Donarhea will change the laws so independent platforms won’t be able to operate freely! Control the media, control the people and he will control free speech
Yes but I just feel like I need to fight for my rights
It is not effective to advocate for your rights through a platform that has been used to suppress them. Your constitutional freedoms have been violated.
I appreciate your commitment and fighting spirit. However, the deadline on that fight has passed. If you want to make an impact, the real fight is in demanding accountability for these actions and rebuilding a community owned space that will remain in the hands of the people, for the people.
And depriving those that strive to suppress valid voices of the money they make off advertising & collecting our info to sell!
I deleted Meta yesterday because I don't want to keep making money for Zuck. After TT went dark, I joined a Discord live hosted by a woman who recently realized (with the help of social media) that she was not conservative, as she had always believed. She said that if she hadn't been exposed to ideas from people on the left, she still may have believed she was conservative in November and voted for 🟠🤡. She thinks it is important that we continue fighting on all platforms so they don't become right-wing echo chambers. I think the argument is compelling, but I really hate Zuckerberg, and I've always hated Insta, even before Meta bought it.
They will be watching everything abd also make money off of us. No thank you.
Stay strong. I am choosing to walk away from TT to express my voice against meta. I completely agree that your rights, our rights, matter! Stay strong and please do what you can to make a difference. I appreciate you!
My thoughts exactly I won’t go back. It’ll be under Trump. He’s already dictator. He’s become the dictator of the United States. There’s no more United States.
Yes! Same. I will not be back either. He didn’t have to shut it down but he did as a stunt.
Same. I already deleted the app.
Deleted the app this morning when I realized it was locked. Unbelievable BS! I’m done.
Yes so weird. Once I had a narcissist boyfriend. He crashed my car. Then when he got it fixed he wanted cookies like it was such a fantastic feat he fixed his wrong. Sound familiar.
It’s not a stunt it’s propaganda
Aaron, seeing your face this morning matters. Thank you for what you do.
Yes I agree wholeheartedly. However Aaron STILL is suppoting meta. He is STILL using IG. He exoressed concerns about Rednote but keeps posting on META. Pretty mad about this.
I think we can't penalize our creators for being on all the platforms, it is their livelihood. Plus, Aaron's content will be important to keep those spaces from being echo chambers of propoganda.
We as the consumers though have power in where we consume. I'm off meta and disentangling from google.
This is a really good point, Jess. Thank you. I've been pretty mad about Aaron not using his platform to encourage a Meta boycott, as many of us have commited to do. However I do hear (& appreciate) your point and will work on giving him grace on this one. 👍🏻 Ngl, going to be hard!😅
Plus, there are ways of limiting how much Zuck can use your info by deleting your Meta search history, adjusting ad preferences, etc. Let's give adorable, articulate, hard-working Aaron a break. We're all navigating this IRT and the kid does so much that's solid to help keep us all informed.
Another reporter put it this way (it helped me be more understanding), some regular people will not stream these other services. It is up to the reporters to get the news out there to all media. So it's not biased. If we leave it up to meta then it's biased news like fox. They are doing their job. We support them on our platforms but encourage them to keep pushing out true factual news everywhere.
Katie this is a great point and I hear you. Ngl, been pretty mad about Aaron staying on IG and giving 💰 to Meta, but do understand that sometimes it's best to be where the enemy dwells. Thank you for your POV.
It’s hard to give up FB as it’s been the only platform where I’ve kept up with old friends and relatives around the world. I’ve easily deleted threads, deleted TikTok app as it’s going to be a meta spinoff, and deleted Twitter right after musk bought it. Instagram is next but FB is going to be a tough one.
Agreed. I live in the States now but have lived in England, France, Switzerland, Wales, etc. My friends and family are all over the world and connecting with them is the reason that I finally joined FB in 2010 or so. My account is suspended (and I don't use IG anymore or TT at all) until I can figure out how to stay in contact with them all. Honestly, I'm thinking of getting a landline and writing letters again!
Um we don’t know that meta will own TT. There are other players
He's also on non-meta platforms, unlike some other creators.. he needs to keep them informed, EVEN over there, just glad I don't have to use a meta platform to still see him!
I agree!!!!!
Yes, you describe everything perfectly; exactly the same experience here! I cannot BELIEVE they took away our free speech & keep testing the app as well, as if it's some sort of dream.
Agree. But if/when TT reemerges, I plan to proceed w/ caution. I am reading in various places that the take-down last night, combined w/ that creepy message "We are lucky that Pres Trump..." (wtf is that msg?!), combined w/ Trump planning to throw on his cape and OVERRIDE 'HIS" SCOTUS' DECISON on Monday--it all seems pretty sus, like Zuckerberg is grabbing all the data and TT will reopen as a hidden Meta Platform. Which makes me nauseous and afraid.
Good morning! Did everyone deactivate Facebook?? I did let’s not let the stock go up because of the ban. Ban Facebook!!
Yes, deleted all Meta apps and X! Not supporting the propaganda machine!
Wish I could delete “X” account but I found out last week that is was hacked for a 2nd time…. The rationale of “data protection” is such a joke!!!!
Go to bluesky! It’s just like og twitter
I’m on there 💗🫶🏼
I just did. The first post I saw this morning was from random acquaintance who was talking crap about TikTok and anyone who’s used it. So I deactivated my account and deleted the app.
I don’t talk much about TT in my “real life”, but I get the impression Meta and other propaganda has painted TT users as insipid, chronically online morons.
I deleted my 20 yr account last after the ban hit. Was going to wait til Monday but decided to pull the lever early.
Same, The fury I felt on Friday made me delete all meta accounts and apps. Im done forever with them. It wasn’t mentally healthy for me anyways
A lot of people on Facebook and Instagram are sooo mean. It’s such a different vibe
This is so true. I deleted Instagram and reduced all my fb. Unfortunately, I am a small business owner and the majority of my customers use my fb business page to get links to my products or event info. I have tried so hard to push other platforms. They are so set in their ways. So I am only using it for information on my business page. I am trying to do my part but I have to feed my family. It makes me sad and like a sellout. I don't want to be there. Not using my personal fb for the last few weeks has reduced my anxiety though and I don't miss the negativity.
Good for you Katie! I understand you need to keep it for business. Hopefully you can gradually "wean" clients in another direction--discounts only found/redeemable elsewhere, as an example? Just an idea, I am not pretending to know what your business is/does! It's like saying, "Hey world, boycott LinkedIn!" That just couldn't be done overnight. But this Oligarchy Monopoly is TERRIFYING for sure.
That is really hard. People complain and then won’t stick to or try something new that can make a difference. It’s really sad how they won’t stand on something.
Very true. There were some groups whose content I enjoyed, but I rarely engaged in content discourse b/c the comment sections were full of keyboard warriors or bots. FB is trash these days.
I believe Meta made it so those posts would get more traction because they performed well.
And Instagram/Threads
No excuses
Aaron Parnas STILL is suppoting meta. He is STILL using IG. He expressed concerns about Rednote but keeps posting on META. Pretty mad about this.
He needs to reach everyone - and a lot of people are on IG
I don’t mind him staying behind enemy lines as long as he remains totally honest about the algorithm & censorship issues that arise. It’s the non-journalists that must reject Meta entirely
He is behind enemy lines keeping an eye as long as he reports accurately what is happening there. He can also be a voice of reason to people as they wake up out of their coma from being hypnotized by Trump and the far right. This is what I hope happens. People need to stop drinking the kool aid.
Good point
I think it’s ok because he’s trying to reach everyone with the news. It’s important that people stay informed regardless of bias
I deactivated all my META apps. I am afraid the rich gang will end up buying TikTok. If so I am out. But if it stays the same I will stay with it. I love TikTok.
Aaron Parnas STILL is supporting meta. He is STILL using IG. He expressed concerns about Rednote but keeps posting on META. Pretty mad about this.
He addressed this in another post, saying that as a journalist he has to talk to people where they are. Kinda the same as Mayor Pete going on Fox. I do get that, as it is the only place my brother has ever seen him.
I deleted all my meta accounts
I read that it actually hurts them more to keep your account, but don’t log in or actually use it. I don’t know, though. I’ve heard a lot of different things.
I did the same. I turned off all the tracking and then logged off
Eh. They can tell advertisers how many people they have on the platform. I like that they have one less to brag about now
I deleted and erased FB. I logged off Instagram and deleted at (having a harder time giving this up because of memories documented and connection to family and friends in other countries). I removed all access for META on all my apps/websites.
I just deleted the app. Does it need to be deactivated?
You don't have to delete it, but please look up how much Meta is tracking you and using your data. Messenger is the worst of all of the apps.
I deleted fb ig & Facebook messenger.
Could you enlighten on why messenger is the worst. I’ve looked into it jus a bit
I don’t want TikTok back if Trump has any control over it.
In my opinion, he already does
As much as I love TikTok, I will not go back. Shou has bent the knee to Trump and is not only complicit, but has helped him in his journey of fascism.
Whoever doesnt realize this !!!
Didn’t think we’d actually make it to 1930’s Germany…
Right Scarey and Dangerous people are here now😪😪😡😡😡
I had hope that someone would a lot of us will willing risk hiding Anne Frank.
Canadian here- American accounts are still coming up on my fyp, I can still go to profiles, everything is still there. It's weird that we can see it, and you guys can't!
Report back if any American accounts are posting today I have a feeling certain people have access
Oo, this would be very interesting to see, I didn't even think about this until reading this comment
Yes please keep an eye out for people in power such as politicians and celebrities. Thank you neighbor ❤️
Gah i didn't see this until now! It was totally dark, no politicians or anything. One major thing of note was there were like no trolls or bots either. The lack of bot was immediately noticed by a lot of us
The US accounts aren’t deleted we just aren’t allowed to log in at the moment.
THANK YOU for letting us know!🙏🏻
I was wondering about that last night when we got the ban notice. If our comments would disappear. I was so sad last night thinking of all the things I have learned, the connections, the laughs. It's going to be an anxious and emotional week I fear. My partner is Canadian here on an Alien card, worried about in the spring when he has to go home to renew. So much uncertainty.
People need to be reminded it was Trump that initially signed the executive order to ban TikTok. I think people have forgotten that!!
We should spend the 90 days pushing that on TT!!!
Yes, after Suckerberg spent $8M+ lobbying for the TT ban, Trump whipped out his pen to sign. 💰💰 BOYCOTT META. Aaron is NOT BOYCOTTING, he is still posting on IG. Love Aaron, thankful for his posts, but pretty mad about this.
He addressed this in another post, saying that as a journalist he has to talk to people where they are. Kinda the same as Mayor Pete going on Fox. I do get that, as it is the only place my brother has ever seen him.
It's not like Mayor Pete going on Fox AT ALL. Mayor Pete agreed to be a one-time guest. AARON IS GOING ON IG MULTIPLE Xs PER DAY, supporting Meta.💰💰
Yes, Angela, I am aware and understand why Pete B goes on Fox intemittently. But FOX has a huge following & his appearances aren't lining their pockets in any way; he's simply using the opp to speak to MAGA, which is great! Aaron using a META platform several Xs/day is getting a LOT OF CLICKS and lining Meta's pockets. A LOT. Yes, he's also viewed by both sides there, he'll get nasty MAGA comments, but he can do his good work w/o Meta. However, today, two people on these comments have been convincing enough as to why the pros of Aaron being on IG may outweigh the cons, so I am reconsideting my stance. However you example of Pete B being on Fox occasionally truly is apples & oranges, lol.
I understand him using it. He’s trying to get out as much info to as many people as possible. But yes we should stop using fb/insta
The fact that this morning I have to go to 4 different apps to see my favorite creators and have no real way to find new creators has my blood boiling at the US Government. At 54 yrs old I never thought I'd see days where we are literally going backwards in time. But it is and has been happening. This is heartbreaking to see. I am angry.
All of this… 😞
A stunt indeed. It’s just a big stage that we are on. Thanks for all you do Aaron!
AGREE!! BUT...Aaron Parnas STILL is supporting meta. He is STILL using IG. He expressed concerns about Rednote but keeps posting on META. Pretty mad about this.
Ok we got it. No need to post over and over again
Was just going to say that!
Not everyone reads all comments. I find this important to share. Sorry you disagree.
We get it bro, chill out on the comments.
He addressed this in another post, saying that as a journalist he has to talk to people where they are. Kinda the same as Mayor Pete going on Fox. I do get that, as it is the only place my brother has ever seen him.
Thank you Aaron! I also believe it’s a stunt. Yes we may get a 90 day extension. But that extension will come with a price if they will allow TT to continue after the 90 days.
It IS a stunt!!!!!
I am NOT ready for the next 4 years...
remember, if you see ICE, yell “LA MIGRA” as loud as you can!!
Phonetically it sounds like Lah Meegra
What does that do?
It helps get the message to the people in a language that they understand in time of panic. La Migra = ICE & most undocumented families know to run from “La migra” but not necessarily any other version of that phrase. If that makes sense. And again, I learned that on TikTok…not Meta 😉
it’s basically spanish slag for border patrol, it alerts the spanish speaking people in the area that ICE is there without having to scream out “hey guys ICE is here”
Ah okay
Thanks Aaron, glad to see you this morning. Definitely made me feel better
Me too
TikTok is merging with Meta. I just feel like all the signs are there. If that’s the case I’ll not use it. Also I’m in Chicago and this is a horrifying time. I don’t recognize this America 😥
Take care, this is a scary time.
You as well. We unite and stick together. I take care of my 84 yr old mom and reassure her that we will be ok. I have a 24 yr old daughter asking me why these things are happening. It’s a dark time here in America. Be safe, stay informed and stay united 🫶🏼💙
I genuinely think Meta already bought Tiktok
I totally agree. I think it’s down so they can do the conversion
When I went to retrieve my data, there was a message about the data being available for 4 days, and it was eerily similar to the meta data request message.
Wow. Yes all of the meeting with Zuck and the TikTok guy….the messenger thing popping up on fb asking if you wanted to merge data with TikTok all the signs are there. Maybe that’s why it’s down. To do the conversion 😬
A lot of people were talking about the similarities between the apps last week. Thought bubbles like IG, messenger automatically opening, auto sharing on fb. 🤔
Odd huh. I think it’s down for conversion. My opinion, it’s not like they are going to be honest with us. But we can read between the lines. They think we are dumb. Well they are actually dealing with a Smart bunch 🤭
You are correct, tik toc will become a Trump propaganda machine so I will not participate. Since you are in Chicago, the first city he called out to raid, you may want to consider streaming what's happening if you are able to do so. I fear people will not see it and therefore not believe it. Stay safe above all my friend!
I am very scared for my friends and family who have 30+yrs of being hardworking taxpaying residents of Chicago. My anxiety is getting triggered and is through the roof