That trump Gaza video is one of the most disturbing and inhumane things I’ve ever seen.

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I came here to say the same. Yuck.

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This news sounds like something from a dystopian novel. It’s a mass amount of info that screams “this has happened before”. Thank you Aaron for keeping us informed.

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This sounds literally like the muggle born registry in the deathly hallows

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I feel like we’re living in the timeline in the Deathly Hallows where they get the notification at the wedding that the Ministry has fallen.

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Literally. It’s eerie

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This administration is so freaking corrupt, how the heck are they getting away with all this?

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Thank you. Do take care of yourself.

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"BuT iT's jUsT a rASh!" -Anti vaxxers everywhere. Vaccinate your Kids.

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Aaron, please take care of yourself. You sound super run down. Get some rest! Thank you for all you do!

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They are purely evil. All kids from undocumented families should ignore this demand of their fingerprints. How much more horrible can the dementia mussolini administration be? It's sickening.

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Thank you for always being g on top of the daily news! I know it’s a lot of you. Take care of yourself.

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How are we able to keep up with health crisis, the government is cutting us off from information. Thanks for sticking with this.

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The video of "Trump Gaza" is horrific. It's inflammatory and insulting to all of the Gaza people and any Islam person. I very much fear that there will be consequences for that video from insulted people who likely won't distinguish the American people from the utter HUBRIS of the president. The video, the whole concept is demeaning and degrading. I do not condone this!

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Thank you for the news, Aaron.

Is this undocumented registry and consequence of not registering all fear mongering or is this actually something that can be enforced? Honest question. I know this admin knows no limits with their cruelty.

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The Administration is getting worse by the day. That muskrat was at a Cabinet meeting and spoke before Cabinet Secretaries shows who really in charge. Krasnov’s actions shows how much a Russian asset he is.

Remember this Friday is an economic boycott. Only essential purchases should be made. Local businesses only.

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Time to take care of yourself! Thank you, Aaron. 💙

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Take care of yourself. News never stops!

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Glad you are postponing the live event tonight for a personal priority. I am a grandparent-member generation, grateful for your news delivered with truth, clarity, grace and insight - like the Walter Chronkite I remember from years ago.

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