This afternoon, I interviewed New York Congressman Tom Suozzi to discuss last night’s Republican budget proposal that could spell the end of Medicaid, the current status of America’s relationship with Ukraine, and what Democrats should do to combat the Trump Administration’s executive orders.
I have medicaid and it's not a waste nor am I abusing it. I have 5 important prescriptions that I need! I'm not on food stamps, only insurance. I go to pantries for food. It's just me and I need this because my life has drastically improved from being covered by it. If I don't have it, I will literally lose my mind and be a sad depressed person unable to leave my home again.
I am in the same boat. I am 68. have had a job since I was 14 yrs old. I worked my way through college working 2 jobs and going to college full time. When my husband passed away I had a 4 yr old and 6 yr old. I had to change to a lower paying job because I had the responsibility of my kids and became a single parent. My husband and I shared childcare so I could travel some with my job. Suddenly I could not travel or take a job with demanding hours. So my pay was lower. In the long run that hurt how much Social Security I received. Because my SS is not high I qualify for the Medicaid program that pays my Medicare premium each month. That allows me to then have enough money for food. If they do cut the $880 Billion from Medicaid I am so afraid they will stop paying my premiums and I will not have enough money to buy my food. I am trying to not to freak out but I am scared like you are about loosing your extremely needed medication. I have never understood why the Republicans find so much joy in taking from the poor, the children, and those in need. They are truly heartless. I do apologize from writing so much.
Decimating Medicaid will cause doctors and hospitals to have to close as well. And people won't be able to afford their medication which will also hit the pocketbooks of pharma. They don't really care that it's going to make me and you hurt but they may care that it's going to cause widespread financial disaster too the medical system and money in the US
I am so sorry. You must be sleepless with anxiety. I have worked in both the medical and behavioral health field as an admin not a professional and fully understand how Medicaid works wonders in facilitating healing. You have been there and done what is best for you. Obtained the insurance. Sought out programs to help with nutrition. You are taking care of yourself which is actually a gift to your community to do so. It makes you less dependent not more, but needing help is not being dependent it is simply needing help. That is what we are here to do all of us; to seek out and then help those we find need it and to never deny anyone help when they come forward and ask for an assist. My dad taught this to me by example. He was not rich not even top tier middle class but he taught us golden lesson by example. Do not panic first of all; you have the benefits today. Take it day by day. When you awaken think I have all I need today not what will I do tomorrow. We do not know what tomorrow brings. Fear predictably proves to be false evidence appearing real. I know how it feels to be anxious. I have lived thru trauma, and I am easily triggered. I am also in counseling. Do you have a therapist? That would be a good first step. I found mine on Thrive Works online counseling. Do you get services from a community health clinic? Those facilities usually have therapists, and you could speak to your PCP to help you get an appointment as soon as possible. You are a survivor. You are strong. You know how to ask for help as you did in this post. Start your day with an inventory of what you have for today; then unplug from the blue screens and spend the day enjoying it. Do everything with a full focus on staying healthy. If you need to talk to someone, you can message me. God bless you.
Can we have your number we will need you on the front lines when all hell fire breaks lose. There is no one better at defeating the enemy than a woman on hormones or off hormones. We are geared to fight to the death. That is why men fear us. That is why the story of Adam and Eve castes females as the wrongdoer when in fact Eve was likely the one who caught Adam out there in the garden with the snake "Satan" and warned him, but he ignored her warning. Doesn't that version make a lot of sense? We cannot get our men (fathers/spouses/sons) to go in for a physical. They don't listen. And, in the past have historically sent in a talented woman to clean up the messes they have made giving over their power temporarily only to yank it back and throw the heroic woman under a bus. Am I being too critical? Maybe.
I do not have ADHD but when the Congressman made the statement no one can focus on ten things at once it occurred to me that lately I've been able to do so and do so very, very well.
When you think of it POTUS has declared war on us the people of the United States. We are at war. When one is on the front line of a war for four weeks solid, they become hyper-focused and their reactions are fine-tuned, their hearing is acute their eyesight is clear, their heart is beating, and they are in a state of unrelieved hyperventilation; in other words, miss nothing that is happening; full survival mode.
I don't think the Congressman came across personally as being anywhere near the front lines. And I'm growing impatient with the Democratic party. Very impatient. I don't see enough sweat on their brows, and I wish they would all stop smiling. I'm not smiling!
Lol, yes, you are literally describing how my brain works most of the time. You may want to look into adhd, autism, and ptsd if you're curious about all the allies you can find in those populations. We see what's going on
Autism is literally a sensory disorder, so yes. If you also add in that autistics are bottom up thinkers, we are pretty damn good at thinking critically. Also problem solving, that's one of my biggest strengths actually. I love to solve problems. Autistic people also tend to be rather literal, which i think helps keep us in reality. The ptsd helps with that part too, along with the hypervigilance. I often joke that I got the combo pack since I have all three, but it's really not that uncommon due to autistic people being abused at such a higher rate than allistics, then you add in that 70% of us also have the adhd fun to with it. Of course, we all have different nurture, even if not as much in nature.
Plus, you have a great sense of humor and easy-going nature to top it all off, don't you. Take care. We are going thru so much right now and much of it seems out of our control. I'm finding it overwhelming. It is like a novel that I cannot put down and lose sleep trying to get to the end.
Thank you, that's incredibly kind of you to say. My sense of humor is a coping mechanism from the ptsd, but it sure works and makes me laugh too - best medicine. I am usually very easy going, but this stress about everything going on is getting to me. It's scary for everyone, even if they don't realize it yet, but my daughter is trans. Apparently it's more common in the neurodivergent community which makes me wonder if it's genetic or if people like me and my daughter are just more likely to figure it out. My daughter had no clue, puberty hit and she got so distant and was hating on herself, the happy, joyful child was gone. Once she started figuring it out though, she just bloomed and she's so happy now and our relationship is stronger than ever. Sorry, got to rambling on, that's the adhd 😂
That all makes perfect sense. My child was one of the first to show anaphylaxis to food proteins. In all my research about food allergies back then when nothing was known I learned that children with autism have a higher incidence of food allergies than the general public. Human beings are fascinating but then again share so much of our experiences as living organism with animals.
That's really interesting about the food allergies. Despite the incredibly clear genetic link to autism and adhd in my family, I don't think anyone has food allergies, it's a pretty prominent gene in my family once you know what you're looking for lol
We see what's going on... interesting and I can understand how those diagnoses would sharpen the ability to analyze and recognize as well as size up a threat with no confusion. But I think finely tuned critical thinking plays a large role with a dose of cynicism. Also, the willingness to face reality so we can get started and deal with it. I don't know but I'm interested and wish we could delve deeper into a discussion. What I will do is google away for a bit. Take care.
Thanks for asking about Zelensky coming to the US. That's my question. I believe Zelensky is smarter than rump. But I pray Zelensky doesn't get trapped into some lie.
Zelensky is definitely smarter to Trump and will never surrender to him. This may be interesting to watch. Zelensky is in a cage with a pussy cat when compared to Putin and look at what Zelensky and the people of Ukraine did to Putin who is barely walking on one leg.
Gotta say I’m a bit disappointed in some of the things he said, 50% of this country is female and not one thing about womens rights to bodily autonomy or right to vote etc.. What’s the point of Medicaid if 50% of the population can’t even use it because medical procedures for them are already banned?
I agree. The more they speak the less I'm impressed. I think the divide is we are actually on the front lines of a war declared by the POTUS on the people and our government and our democracy and our freedom and our livelihoods and our children and our health and the education of our children and our rights, whereas their focus is getting re-elected in the mid-terms. I don't see enough sweat on their brows, and I wish they would all stop smiling. I'm not smiling.
My "congressman" doesn't show up to town halls and has not even set up his voice mail or e-mail (1st term); my definition of a coward . How are we supposed to contact them?
If I may suggest what I would do if the answer to your question cannot be found. You may want to contact Indivisible. Contact the main number of email and ask for info on who is the leader of the local branch nearest to you.
Another source would be Beto O'Rourke who has been hosting "What you can do this week" pod casts. This week was his second one. Go to his Substack site and message him if it is possible for advice as to what you can do "this week" if your congressman is hiding. He served as a congressman and likely knows your congressman. I know he would offer something helpful.
Also, you can thru Indivisible find your local Democratic activists and reach out to them. Of course, if you can thru your local Dem activists or local Indivisible branch and then round up a bunch of people you could all hold a protest outside the offices of your congressman. And call the press.
If you could get the local Dem leader and local branch Indivisible leader involved, they have the organization power and contacts within the press for coverage.
Good luck. One step at a time. I would do this stuff now before they figure out how to control us and maybe hamper any of these efforts. Now is the time!!
Yeah! Did you notice that phrase was sort of under his breath and I could almost read his mind, "Don't go there! That's something I should be addressing and don't want to." They are all snakes just looking to get re-elected. It is not holding water especially when you are addressing the people on the front lines in a hand-to-hand combat in a war declared on us by our POTUS. And they want us to do more? You first buddy! Show me! I want to be wrong. I listened intently to prove I am wrong. But it feels wrong all of it coming from both sides of the aisle. They should have stonewalled and made demands before even discussing their freaking budget. They should have demanded the Republicans bring in Musk to be investigated. Stop DOGE immediately. Reverse holds and freezes on all funding of projects previously approved by Congress. Then focus on removing Musk! Decamping DOGE. Then go home for a break and let the Republicans stew but come back with your gloves off and focused on one thing not the mid-terms but beating them down hard, very hard. If you cannot figure out how to do it then promote the women in your party and give them all the power, they need to get the job done.
Thank you Aaron! It’s great to hear from those who are in the rooms and seeing all that is going on. The pick pocket analogy was perfect! Keep up the great work!
Yes. The Congressman under his breath mentioned that what is being done to us is "probably" against the Constitution, but then he shut up. Why? I think because if that is true then the Democratic Party should be addressing it. IMMEDIATELY!
Great interview Aaron! Thank you for all you do! So appreciate you!!
Reallh great to hear someone speak sense especially about Zelensky & Ukraine
This interview was fabulous! Aaron, you're killing it our there! Thank you for all the work you do!
as Trump & co. pull the rugs out from under everybody else, why are none of Musk's government contracts up for the same scrutiny as exhorbitant waste?
I have medicaid and it's not a waste nor am I abusing it. I have 5 important prescriptions that I need! I'm not on food stamps, only insurance. I go to pantries for food. It's just me and I need this because my life has drastically improved from being covered by it. If I don't have it, I will literally lose my mind and be a sad depressed person unable to leave my home again.
Medicaid finally allowed me to get a surgery I desperately needed-I empathize with you so deeply.
I am in the same boat. I am 68. have had a job since I was 14 yrs old. I worked my way through college working 2 jobs and going to college full time. When my husband passed away I had a 4 yr old and 6 yr old. I had to change to a lower paying job because I had the responsibility of my kids and became a single parent. My husband and I shared childcare so I could travel some with my job. Suddenly I could not travel or take a job with demanding hours. So my pay was lower. In the long run that hurt how much Social Security I received. Because my SS is not high I qualify for the Medicaid program that pays my Medicare premium each month. That allows me to then have enough money for food. If they do cut the $880 Billion from Medicaid I am so afraid they will stop paying my premiums and I will not have enough money to buy my food. I am trying to not to freak out but I am scared like you are about loosing your extremely needed medication. I have never understood why the Republicans find so much joy in taking from the poor, the children, and those in need. They are truly heartless. I do apologize from writing so much.
Decimating Medicaid will cause doctors and hospitals to have to close as well. And people won't be able to afford their medication which will also hit the pocketbooks of pharma. They don't really care that it's going to make me and you hurt but they may care that it's going to cause widespread financial disaster too the medical system and money in the US
I’m so sorry you have to go through this stress. My mom has IHSS and I’m sure that’s on the cutting block too.
Let’s hope this can be stopped.
I am so sorry. You must be sleepless with anxiety. I have worked in both the medical and behavioral health field as an admin not a professional and fully understand how Medicaid works wonders in facilitating healing. You have been there and done what is best for you. Obtained the insurance. Sought out programs to help with nutrition. You are taking care of yourself which is actually a gift to your community to do so. It makes you less dependent not more, but needing help is not being dependent it is simply needing help. That is what we are here to do all of us; to seek out and then help those we find need it and to never deny anyone help when they come forward and ask for an assist. My dad taught this to me by example. He was not rich not even top tier middle class but he taught us golden lesson by example. Do not panic first of all; you have the benefits today. Take it day by day. When you awaken think I have all I need today not what will I do tomorrow. We do not know what tomorrow brings. Fear predictably proves to be false evidence appearing real. I know how it feels to be anxious. I have lived thru trauma, and I am easily triggered. I am also in counseling. Do you have a therapist? That would be a good first step. I found mine on Thrive Works online counseling. Do you get services from a community health clinic? Those facilities usually have therapists, and you could speak to your PCP to help you get an appointment as soon as possible. You are a survivor. You are strong. You know how to ask for help as you did in this post. Start your day with an inventory of what you have for today; then unplug from the blue screens and spend the day enjoying it. Do everything with a full focus on staying healthy. If you need to talk to someone, you can message me. God bless you.
I have an idea, why don't they put their own healthcare that we the people pay for on the chopping block.
My congressman!!
They seriously underestimate my adhd driven ability to pay attention to 10 things at once lol
lol- They underestimate who I’LL cut, if I can’t get my hormones.
Can we have your number we will need you on the front lines when all hell fire breaks lose. There is no one better at defeating the enemy than a woman on hormones or off hormones. We are geared to fight to the death. That is why men fear us. That is why the story of Adam and Eve castes females as the wrongdoer when in fact Eve was likely the one who caught Adam out there in the garden with the snake "Satan" and warned him, but he ignored her warning. Doesn't that version make a lot of sense? We cannot get our men (fathers/spouses/sons) to go in for a physical. They don't listen. And, in the past have historically sent in a talented woman to clean up the messes they have made giving over their power temporarily only to yank it back and throw the heroic woman under a bus. Am I being too critical? Maybe.
I do not have ADHD but when the Congressman made the statement no one can focus on ten things at once it occurred to me that lately I've been able to do so and do so very, very well.
When you think of it POTUS has declared war on us the people of the United States. We are at war. When one is on the front line of a war for four weeks solid, they become hyper-focused and their reactions are fine-tuned, their hearing is acute their eyesight is clear, their heart is beating, and they are in a state of unrelieved hyperventilation; in other words, miss nothing that is happening; full survival mode.
I don't think the Congressman came across personally as being anywhere near the front lines. And I'm growing impatient with the Democratic party. Very impatient. I don't see enough sweat on their brows, and I wish they would all stop smiling. I'm not smiling!
Lol, yes, you are literally describing how my brain works most of the time. You may want to look into adhd, autism, and ptsd if you're curious about all the allies you can find in those populations. We see what's going on
PS: Also, the highly sensitive person sees more than the average. Feels it too. I bet you are highly sensitive.
Autism is literally a sensory disorder, so yes. If you also add in that autistics are bottom up thinkers, we are pretty damn good at thinking critically. Also problem solving, that's one of my biggest strengths actually. I love to solve problems. Autistic people also tend to be rather literal, which i think helps keep us in reality. The ptsd helps with that part too, along with the hypervigilance. I often joke that I got the combo pack since I have all three, but it's really not that uncommon due to autistic people being abused at such a higher rate than allistics, then you add in that 70% of us also have the adhd fun to with it. Of course, we all have different nurture, even if not as much in nature.
I've totally hyperfocused on these lol
Plus, you have a great sense of humor and easy-going nature to top it all off, don't you. Take care. We are going thru so much right now and much of it seems out of our control. I'm finding it overwhelming. It is like a novel that I cannot put down and lose sleep trying to get to the end.
Thank you, that's incredibly kind of you to say. My sense of humor is a coping mechanism from the ptsd, but it sure works and makes me laugh too - best medicine. I am usually very easy going, but this stress about everything going on is getting to me. It's scary for everyone, even if they don't realize it yet, but my daughter is trans. Apparently it's more common in the neurodivergent community which makes me wonder if it's genetic or if people like me and my daughter are just more likely to figure it out. My daughter had no clue, puberty hit and she got so distant and was hating on herself, the happy, joyful child was gone. Once she started figuring it out though, she just bloomed and she's so happy now and our relationship is stronger than ever. Sorry, got to rambling on, that's the adhd 😂
That all makes perfect sense. My child was one of the first to show anaphylaxis to food proteins. In all my research about food allergies back then when nothing was known I learned that children with autism have a higher incidence of food allergies than the general public. Human beings are fascinating but then again share so much of our experiences as living organism with animals.
That's really interesting about the food allergies. Despite the incredibly clear genetic link to autism and adhd in my family, I don't think anyone has food allergies, it's a pretty prominent gene in my family once you know what you're looking for lol
We see what's going on... interesting and I can understand how those diagnoses would sharpen the ability to analyze and recognize as well as size up a threat with no confusion. But I think finely tuned critical thinking plays a large role with a dose of cynicism. Also, the willingness to face reality so we can get started and deal with it. I don't know but I'm interested and wish we could delve deeper into a discussion. What I will do is google away for a bit. Take care.
Thanks for asking about Zelensky coming to the US. That's my question. I believe Zelensky is smarter than rump. But I pray Zelensky doesn't get trapped into some lie.
Zelensky is definitely smarter to Trump and will never surrender to him. This may be interesting to watch. Zelensky is in a cage with a pussy cat when compared to Putin and look at what Zelensky and the people of Ukraine did to Putin who is barely walking on one leg.
Gotta say I’m a bit disappointed in some of the things he said, 50% of this country is female and not one thing about womens rights to bodily autonomy or right to vote etc.. What’s the point of Medicaid if 50% of the population can’t even use it because medical procedures for them are already banned?
Well said! “Pick our fights???” He said! Disenfranchising us as voters and as equal citizens (EPA or the lack thereof) is a big part of their plan.
I agree. The more they speak the less I'm impressed. I think the divide is we are actually on the front lines of a war declared by the POTUS on the people and our government and our democracy and our freedom and our livelihoods and our children and our health and the education of our children and our rights, whereas their focus is getting re-elected in the mid-terms. I don't see enough sweat on their brows, and I wish they would all stop smiling. I'm not smiling.
My "congressman" doesn't show up to town halls and has not even set up his voice mail or e-mail (1st term); my definition of a coward . How are we supposed to contact them?
Try snail mail. Write a canned letter and mail a copy every day. The only draw back is the postage cost.....
Or postcards.
If I may suggest what I would do if the answer to your question cannot be found. You may want to contact Indivisible. Contact the main number of email and ask for info on who is the leader of the local branch nearest to you.
Another source would be Beto O'Rourke who has been hosting "What you can do this week" pod casts. This week was his second one. Go to his Substack site and message him if it is possible for advice as to what you can do "this week" if your congressman is hiding. He served as a congressman and likely knows your congressman. I know he would offer something helpful.
Also, you can thru Indivisible find your local Democratic activists and reach out to them. Of course, if you can thru your local Dem activists or local Indivisible branch and then round up a bunch of people you could all hold a protest outside the offices of your congressman. And call the press.
If you could get the local Dem leader and local branch Indivisible leader involved, they have the organization power and contacts within the press for coverage.
Good luck. One step at a time. I would do this stuff now before they figure out how to control us and maybe hamper any of these efforts. Now is the time!!
‘Probably violates the constitution’….. then stop this! Please!!!
Yeah! Did you notice that phrase was sort of under his breath and I could almost read his mind, "Don't go there! That's something I should be addressing and don't want to." They are all snakes just looking to get re-elected. It is not holding water especially when you are addressing the people on the front lines in a hand-to-hand combat in a war declared on us by our POTUS. And they want us to do more? You first buddy! Show me! I want to be wrong. I listened intently to prove I am wrong. But it feels wrong all of it coming from both sides of the aisle. They should have stonewalled and made demands before even discussing their freaking budget. They should have demanded the Republicans bring in Musk to be investigated. Stop DOGE immediately. Reverse holds and freezes on all funding of projects previously approved by Congress. Then focus on removing Musk! Decamping DOGE. Then go home for a break and let the Republicans stew but come back with your gloves off and focused on one thing not the mid-terms but beating them down hard, very hard. If you cannot figure out how to do it then promote the women in your party and give them all the power, they need to get the job done.
Democrats should not cave
Thank you Aaron! It’s great to hear from those who are in the rooms and seeing all that is going on. The pick pocket analogy was perfect! Keep up the great work!
I adore no man and so far, no one has earned it amongst the Democratic party if I did.
For Tyranny to succeed, honorable Citizens need only remain Silent. Speak out, Americans. Eyes open, Ears Listening, Voice Loud and Proud!
And vote all of them out in the mid-terms; all of them!
Tom Suozzi would hang trans Americans out to dry.
What does that have to do with millions losing their health coverage including children?
I think the statement was Tom Suozzi would hang trans Americans out to dry. Period.
Violating laws without accountability is one reason why we are here. What’s happening is illegal. Thank you for coming on the show.
Yes. The Congressman under his breath mentioned that what is being done to us is "probably" against the Constitution, but then he shut up. Why? I think because if that is true then the Democratic Party should be addressing it. IMMEDIATELY!