He needs to let it go with trying to take Canada and Greenland. What an embarrassment to America

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He want to realign the borders, he gets nutty every day

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He will try. He is removing soldiers from Germany!! Where will they go?

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I couldn't give a flying f'k where he sends them. Trump and his 10,000 troops trying to invade Mexico a couple weeks ago was met with 15,000 Mexican military. Trump is a complete moron if he is so stupid as to send US troops to the Canadian border. There are militias in the US forming to go against Trump and that parasite Musk. So, Canada must revoke Musk's citizenship and Trump must be removed from OUR WH. We have to protest peacefully so Trump does not use.....USE, the word is USE our police and our military to go against the US citizens. Trump is pulling our troops out of foreign countries to go against the US citizens.

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I haven’t heard anything about Mexico either. Why is that being kept secret?

I absolutely know there are some amazing loyal people in the USA and they will be wild with anger 😡 at what is happening to their country. They are the real patriots not the MAGA sheeple.

I sincerely hope everyone stays safe. Especially those who are loyalists to the country and constitution. ✊🏼✊🏽✊🏼✊🏻

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Wow. Hadn't heard about the attempt to invade Mexico.

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A month ago and Mexico already had her military at the border to greet our military! obviously, the coward Trump pulled back.. Watch on YouTube:


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Smh thank you. I knew he'd sent troops but missed the part about Mexico responding.

This man is losing his mind in front of us. I think he's literally going crazy from all the pressure from Russia. He's already not healthy as it is. Pretty sure he's missing toes too.

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Well, you SHOULD care about where he sends them. There are lots of bases around the World they could go to. For the most part, I hope they are going to Bases within the continental US, including the remaining few along the northern and southern borders (Texas, California, Louisiana, Florida, etc.). Given our "seasoned" Sec'y of Defense, who knows?

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To the United States of RUSSIA!

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We’ll all be calling each other “Comrade” soon

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He means it. He believes that it should be done Its eating him away that he can’t.

Just imagine the tenacity of the man who banged on for 4 years,relentlessly about a fixed election. Crazy. Unless he’s deposed he will go on about Canada and Greenland for 4 years too.

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I wonder who or what else is putting him up to do this? This is not normal.

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We shouldn’t call the dodge employees as kids.. they are adults and know exactly what they are doing. Calling them kids gives them a pass because “they don’t know any better because they are kids” they are inexperienced but they are not kids don’t give them that out!

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The brain isn’t fully transitioned from youth to adult until 25 years of age. I’m guessing Elon used these kids as they were easy to manipulate and take advantage of. Hence why he is firing and locking out the adults. They are not being complacent as their brains are capable of making their own decisions.

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I am hoping our military takes a stand and supports the US citizens and throws that old f'k and Musk the parasite out of our WH and to jail to await trial for treason. NO BAIL!

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Your US military is owned now by the Felon.

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I know. They can't all be corrupt troops.

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I served 20 years in the military. I highly object to your calling our troops "corrupt." Misguided at times, yes. The draft ended long ago. Think it through before your start typing.

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Sadly, they swear an oath to obey orders. 😢

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Not true. "Lawful orders and the United States Constitution." Want to talk about "sad"? Look to Congress and their aides.

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They are legal adults. They can get married, join the military, open a bank account, and vote.

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I would also like to add to this, what they are doing is obviously breaking so many laws. They should be charged. What I am saying is that they mentally still are kids doing adult things. Just with a higher IQ than most kids their age. I have a 20 year old daughter, she thinks she knows everything. She was in the National Honors Society, straight A’s, scholarship but she cannot see things as an adult. Things that I tell her to do or not to do to keep her safe or prepare her for something are asinine in her

mind. She can’t grasp it. Then it comes back to bite her and she feels it but it’s not registering. She isn’t doing troublesome things just general life things. Like wearing a coat when it’s 20 below here or boots when there’s 2 feet of snow in case you get stuck because they don’t plow. Then getting stuck and you don’t have a coat and you are wearing Ugg slippers, you’re freezing and feet are soaked but it’s not a big deal because you didn’t have to be out there long because someone drove by and towed you out. Yes, but next time?

Point is, they don’t see it like we do. They don’t have a life like we do. They don’t have a whole history that is being invaded so they don’t understand. Elon is providing them a safety net. They are protected and feel untouchable. They feel powerful. What kid wouldn’t want that? A billionaire chose them

to be his team but they aren’t developed enough to know it’s for his own evil purposes. Hitler recruited young boys too for his military.

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Be blunt. They had 24/7 entertainment on TV. So realistic. They apparently had no class work on logic, rational thinking or health maintenance. Of course, neither did Trump.

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They are felons, MuskRats! They and their families are being paid by Musk to perform crimes against the people.

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I’m so so sad for Ukraine.

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Don't underestimate the UK and Europe to support the Ukraine.

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It’s so depressing.

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He is trying to push us into a war. I hope the majority of soldiers stand up and refuse. Let maga go fight the Canadians and keep the rest of America out of it

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England will send her troops to fight for Canada! Germany isn't going to stand for this crap either!

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Honestly if I feel like a lot of Americans would end up fighting for Canada too lol. That’s how far America has fallen. There’s a huge number of citizens who would actively fight against their own country. Depressing how we got here.

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I would in a hot minute join Canada to defeat trump and his billionaires.

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I am Canadian and have no hope for a large amount of Americans to stand up for us. Realistically, barely any Americans are actively fighting for their own rights and democracy being ripped away from them so why would they fight in a war for for someone else if they can’t fight for themselves? They will make social media posts “we stand with Canada” and then scroll on.

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There’s actually a large amount of Americans who are fighting! There’s been many protest, boycotts, lawsuits, etc. So I would say a large part would stand up if needed! I wouldn’t say all or even the majority, but a lot! I’m holding out hope that more and more people will begin to see what Trump is doing to not only our country but the rest of the world.

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Yes because boycotts, lawsuits and protests will do something in the face of the US military tearing apart my country. Trump doesn’t play by the rules, he doesn’t care what the courts say or even what the people say (he has a low disproval rate but boasts he has the most approval of any president). Few Americans will do what it takes to FIGHT for Canada’s sovereignty. The US military will isolate us as we will just be an island under siege surrounded by them - the UK, the commonwealth and Europe won’t be allowed access to protect us. Many Canadians have woken up to the reality that we will be all alone.

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Well we can’t storm the capital and throw him out of office rn. Army officials, soldiers, and veterans are part of these protests and lawsuits. I’m saying that if the time comes where a full out war breaks out, many Americans would fight for Canada. This is just the start. To have no faith now dooms the future

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Not yet. Not yet. Every day a few more join the anti-Trump team. Not enough, I realize. I’d like to see hordes storm the capitol and a gallows on the front lawn. But I realize that’s not realistic. Or exactly how that should go.

What is the tipping point into armed resistance? I don’t know. But we’re not there yet.

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I feel the same way. Trump is so stupid he would sacrifice our military, we citizens, and our freedoms to conquer Europe, all for One World Power. I have news for that old dodger, he won't win just as the other dictators of the world are gone, so will he be.

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Well said! We’ve beat them before and we can beat them again!

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See, I believe in your optimism. I also believe .......Nov 19, 2024 — According to Tacticon, more than 500 million guns in the US are owned by civilians. That makes the US the most armed country with 120.5 guns per 100 people. if half of them are pissed, there is no stopping the American people if they keep shoving us. We stand with Canada, Ukraine, Mexico.

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I’m a stumbling old fat white woman. You’d think, looking at me and where I live, I’d be a Trumpaloon. I’m not. It wouldn’t be wise to publicize what I’m stocking up on. So I’ll leave it with the paraphrased words of those gone before me: The tree of Liberty needs to be well watered with the Blood of Tyrants. I’m concentrating on peaceful protest so far, and being a most annoying caller to my national and state representatives.

JD Vance, Musk, Trump and Speaker Johnson are a disgrace and a stain on our collective national soul. The Republican Party, either through fear or design, are COLLABORATORS. - with ALL the negative connotations that entails. They need removed from office, prosecuted, emergency elections held, and an amendment made to the constitution forbidding any super majority in Congress. Term Limits, no more special health care and Term limits for the supreme courts. AND enforceable ethics. Shame and Disgrace will be the title of this decade.

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I’m hoping it won’t come to that. I hope congress will grow a back bone and fight back. But if it comes to it, I hope the American people realize we out number the government by millions

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I’m close to 🇨🇦 ❤️ so I’m front lines and 🫡

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England, New Zealand, and Australia will send their troops to Canada to fight against Russian aggression.

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They can’t get here if we are blocked off by a naval blockade and air blockade. The US can cut us off entirely unlike for wars elsewhere in the world. It is also likely that other countries will be too scared to actively fight the US (like in Ukraine now it is all proxy support but no actual international military support) - the difference is Ukraine is supplied through Europe, we have no other land border to be supplied through.

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Why isn’t Carlson jailed for the interview with Sam?

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You know how slime seems to slip away when you try to hold onto it? That Carlson 'uker!

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Most of the news updates for today feel like they came out of The Onion 🤦🏽‍♀️

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Only they are so NOT funny.

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Aaron, I think you should include some good news in your posts. It would be good for you and for all of us. I think all of us want to make sure you are ok and getting the needed rest and mental health support you deserve too.

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He does. When there is good news. Sadly we don’t have a lot of that lately. Or we are shielded from good news in the world purposely by this administration. I think if we want good, we have to get off our phones for a while and go spend some time doing things we enjoy. Which is so hard at this present time. It feels like if we do, we might miss something that could change our lives forever. I cannot imagine 4 years of this.

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I couldn't take 4 years of this imbecile and Musk the parasite at the helm. if you have not, please join Bluesky. Aaron posts on Bluesky also. Info from the WH before the media twists it for Trump.

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There is always good news : )

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If you have some, please share? Do you have a Substack that you post good news on? I would love to subscribe if so.

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Aaron is not your shrink. If you are this depressed I suggest you contact your local mental health facility. You make your own happiness. No one else is responsible for your happiness but YOU! Aaron is a grown man and is our source of truth. He can handle himself.

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There is none sadly

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How about redefining the border of Canada so it stretches down to the VA border with NC? I'd be fine with that at this this point.

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Yes! That totally works!

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For it being National Women’s Day, I think I shall take a rest day. I am exhausted. Also I sent you (Aaron) a message about a mobilizing Movement called Money Out of Politics. We are currently wanting to unite the several grass root groups with the common cause and goal of limiting money in politics. We would love your support. Thanks in advance.

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Happy International Women's Day.

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Wait, did I read that right? China is imposing tariffs on Canada? Why? What is happening?! Is China trying to help tRump annex Canada?

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Reuters reported yesterday Canada refused all pork shipments from a NC pork plant - that’s owned by China.

Sounds like it to me. Fucking Commies = New Authoritarian Dictator, along with the Trump/Vance Team. They need to feel the pain.

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Oh wow, thanks for that info. That makes more sense that China is now introducing retaliatory tariffs. I mean, now I understand a bit more…not that ANY of this nonsense makes any sense.

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Smithfield. I couldn’t think of the company name. The purchase of Smithfield, along with other big name meat packing companies was big news several years ago. By concentrating meat packaging in a few companies and spots across the country, this leaves us vulnerable to supply chain interruption and foreign interference. I object to it on the basis of humane treatment of animals isn’t a priority and factory farming has a negative impact on the environment. For a long time, the USA has prioritized cost and quantity over quality. All for the sake of a few Pennies on the dollar.

I hope we have a chance to do better. And take it.

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Exactly! What is the purpose of this?

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I’m in northern NY. Can we be part of Canada 👍🏻. Much better option right now!!!

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I think that is an idea, as a sister New Yorker 🗽

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Do NOT call them Doge KIDS!!

You are demeaning your broadcast and it is not reality, they are ADULTS, please correct yourself!

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their frontal cortexs aren't fully developed so yes they are kids...

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They are legal adults and should be treated as such. Actions have consequences. My 13 yo daughter knows that what they are doing is wrong, there is no excuse for these 19 year old young adults

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Sorry, I do not care about their frontal cortexs when they have parents as they do. this twunt lives in my state: The "Doge kid from CT" is Edward Coristine, a 19-year-old New Canaan native who was part of Elon Musk's Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) team. FYI: New Canaan is a wealthy area of CT

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Yeah, no. If you can’t even buy alcohol can you be considered an adult? Your brain isn’t even fully developed until 25.

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They can vote and join the military. In a court of law, they would be tried as adults and sent to adult prisons. They can enter legal contracts, open bank accounts, and take out loans. The ability to buy alcohol or an *AVERAGE* age in which the prefrontal cortex *completes* development is not a marker of adulthood. They still know what they are doing and are still responsible for their actions.

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Sorry, no excuses for felons. That is what is wrong with the USA...it has become lawless and Musk the parasite uses kids and young adults to commit felonies. I have NO sympathy for any POS who accepts money to destroy the country our military and MY father who fought for this country to keep FREEDOM. Our freedom is being demolished before our eyes and I DON"T give a flying f'k about DOGE and the felons who work in that fake agency. Always an excuse for the lawless, eh, June?

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Nah it demeans them. I call Muskmelon the Ketamine Kid 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Sounds like he wants to annex Canada, an old Putin trick.

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except canada has never been part of the usa and is part of British Commonwealth...not annexable

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You forgot the biggest piece of news today which is that there are Women’s March protests all over the country!! Would be great if you could use your platform to spread the word bc social media seems to be burying it!

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Well the military needs to protect the US of A from the threats and terrorism happening within the US of A from the terrorist living in the WHITE house

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Trump is a murdering vengeful weasel. He is a MURDERER. a deliberate murderer. People just died at his hands. THIS IS REAL. He's spilt blood in Africa. He just spilt Ukrainian blood. All the Republicans supporting this are cowardly murderers. They disgust me.

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