Aww. Look. tRump actually brought the world together. 😊 Against us… But together. 🤷🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️😑

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Thank you for making me laugh, I needed that!

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A win is a win. 🤣🤣🤣 Not the win I wanted, but a win. 💜

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I needed a good laugh , not the best laugh but all the same 🖤

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Get better my guy we appreciate everything you do for us 💯🤞🏾

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Aaron needs to be nominated for a Nobel. 💜

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To everyone who didn’t vote for Harris - we tried to tell you Trump would be worse for Palestine.

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Yup. I knew when he was talking to Israel’s PM during the election that he was making an under the table deal with that guy to take it over for personal gain. He’s going to try to build his stupid hotels there, making him money (which definitely isn’t legal) using our country’s money like his personal piggy back & military to do so.

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We were trying to tell them all along. Not voting or voting third party was not the answer. They will have NO land and are forced from their home. This orange turd is so dangerous for us and the world.

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USPS has no business getting involved in politics.

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They don’t even get a choice though since they are a Federally run program, but I’m glad it was reversed

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Yo if Russia is against it lmao

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Great format thank you so much! Feels like Trump is an elementary aged kid playing the board game of Risk with educated adults who have to keep stopping him. Is this all to create chaos? Could DJT be that dumb?

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No, he's not dumb. He's creating chaos, splitting people's attention. He has smart people around him doing the actual planning and execution of those plans; Trump is signing off on them.

Don't mistake minor losses or setbacks for victories. Trump is not the only player on the board. He's the front-man for Project 2025, which is a far-right playbook for literally destroying the United States as a democratic republic.

The worst thing any of us can do is sit back and laugh at "how dumb Donny is."

He's not a genius. He is definitely exhibiting symptoms of cognitive decline. But he's not the key player, except that he has authority AND doesn't have any conscience, morality, or ethics restraining him.

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Spot on assessment

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Good point. We have to be aware that there is still JD Vance, who has been pretty quiet in all of this, aside from interviews he’s done. We have to be vigilant from all angles.

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JD Vance and Elon Musk are even more dangerous than 47.

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Even more infantile, but not as infantile as MTG's husband. 🐂💩😡🤬

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Walt until you learn project 2025 has been around since the 80s and no one paid attention until now.

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Yeah. It was Reagan that actually coined the term, “Make America great again..” Trump just co-opted it.

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trump steals everything that isn't bolted down.

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No other president thought as arrogantly superior and free from consequences but other parts have been done in part! Even 1st term DJT did parts of the Project and like I said it was taken as the plan book to work towards before.

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Yep they pass it to every republican president and finally they knew Trump could get the votes and bully his way to his own cabinet

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Yeah but have you seen THIS? 😳 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5RpPTRcz1no

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I was around in the 80s. I knew.

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they don't care about Don, like at all. he was their foot in the door.

when they are done with him they will impeach and act like he really was the bad guy all along, meanwhile touting how we atill have JD, and how great JD will be.

but he will be worse, much worse.

imagine all of the things Donald is doing, but with more intelligence, more support, and longer to do it.

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The deck is stacked from the three branches of government, his Federal

Justice picks and his Supreme Court. They are playing the short and mediocre game as their clothes are off. Choices and accountability will come to each and everyone of them. Absolutely, know where to hide.

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Right. Trump is there because he could get the votes….ppl worship him. The real trouble is Vance musk etc.

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Sickening, but oh so true

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100 percent behind these comments

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Yeah, reminds me of little finger "chaos is a ladder"

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Google the YouTube “How Tech Billionaires Plan to Destroy America”…and it’ll ALL make sense! Trump is simply a useful idiot to them. Musk is absolutely running the show!

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Trump isn’t smart but definitely knows what he’s doing. He doesn’t understand the details but is definitely in on the end goal. Musk isn’t intelligent either. He just has an agenda and the funds to back that agenda all in personal interest. There are far more nefarious actors in all this. Watch Peter Thiel, JD Vance, the authors of project 2025 and the rest of the silent players. They’re the ones pulling the strings.

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Musk is a moderately intelligent sadistic, racist, misogynistic psychopath obsessed with white supremacy. He doesn't have autism: he has all the earmarks of severe anti-social personality disorder. He has contempt for authority. He uses illegal drugs and throws around his ill-gotten wealth (partially inherited, partially stolen from American taxpayers) and his power with social media to silence valid dissent.

The man is outright evil, and needs to be permanently dealt with by any means available--legal or not. Let the legal system figure out how to deal with the person or persons who remove him from doing any more damage AFTERWARD.

I certainly would take into account the actions he's 5aken as an illegally-naturalized citizen, the laws he's publically and repeatedly violated, and the harm he's doing to people NOW as mitigating factors in bringing charges as a judge, prosecutor, or juror.

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Focus on what they're doing at the White House everything else is a distraction

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The way my brain immediately wanted to read the headline as “suffers major stroke/heart attack.” 🫢

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Every morning I hope to see this headline. The ‘breaking news’ we all need. Sorry not sorry.

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Maybe someone should tell all federal employees the “buyout” isn’t legal-I suspect it’s just a way to screw over people who don’t hold their ground.

But what do I know- I voted for the person spreading joy.

Protest today:

Noon at all state capitols.

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Someone found a court case from 1990 (OPM v Richmond 496 US 414) wherein a disabled soldier was told by another govt employee that he could work more than the hours stated in his original hire agreement and not lose his disability payments. The court ruled that the misinformation he was given did not over rule what was set by legislation.

The people who are taking this deal are almost definitely getting screwed.

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I read somewhere that about 1% have accepted the offer, and they are most likely people who had already been planning to leave/retire.

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Yeah, except that they're likely to lose their benefits, too, according to the contract. They're getting reamed.

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I suspect the overwhelming stress from this nightmare is taking its toll on your health-please take special care and pay attention to your needs.

You're delivering an invaluable service to your country and fellow countrymen and women. We appreciate you so much, Aaron.

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Tysm for your dedication and pls take care of yourself. Only journalist I trust!!

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Chris Norlund YT channel

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Hope you feel better! Also, love the format/bullet points!

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Good morning Aaron! We appreciate all you do for us! Feel better.

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Everyone should read Heather Cox Richardson’s piece this morning detailing the further developments at the treasury of Muskrat’s tech minions rewriting code at the Treasury to allow the use of AI Palestine is a distraction bomb from the dismantling of the current controls at the Treasury, leaving the entire computer system liable to hacking and worse.

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Why are thee courts or someone doing anything to stop all of this happening? We keep hearing it isn't legal or ia potentially not legal but no one is doing a thing to stop him!

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The courts can only stop him if cases are brought before them. Cases can only be brought before them if there are attorneys to take the cases and only after Trump has made the illegal action. In very few cases can cases be brought before an action is taken.

To support these cases being quickly brought before the courts, people need to support organizations like the ACLU and many other nonprofit legal organizations that specifically handle these types of cases. People need to also get their voices heard by their Congress members who can then vote against so much of what Trump and his admin are trying to do.

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I downloaded 5 Calls app to help call elected officials. It lists the major topics, who to call, & provides a script. Just got done making several calls.

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I just donated to the ACLU yesterday. I don’t have much, but they’re really going to need help!

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Thanks for the reminder! I just donated.

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Can we all collectively say “YOU’RE FIRED”

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That USPS thing was weird.

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